All of the “ZD strategies” are described by 4-tuples of probabilities: the probabilities of cooperation given the outcome of the previous turn, which can be one of (CC, CD, DC, DD). In comments to the previous post I calculated twoexamples, and the paper contains the general formulas in equations [8] and [12].
Ah, thank you. Made that much clearer for me; I had the slightly incorrect impression that a ZD strategy was any strategy that could be described by such a 4-tuple, but I didn’t make the connection that the evolution could apply directly to the probabilities instead of the strategy that generated the probabilities.
All of the “ZD strategies” are described by 4-tuples of probabilities: the probabilities of cooperation given the outcome of the previous turn, which can be one of (CC, CD, DC, DD). In comments to the previous post I calculated two examples, and the paper contains the general formulas in equations [8] and [12].
Ah, thank you. Made that much clearer for me; I had the slightly incorrect impression that a ZD strategy was any strategy that could be described by such a 4-tuple, but I didn’t make the connection that the evolution could apply directly to the probabilities instead of the strategy that generated the probabilities.