Unexpected, yes; problems, no. I’m currently re-implementing the entire thing in Clojure, as it gives me a really elegant, simple, “simulate my opponent” function (which is exciting!) and makes everything else much neater to boot. I’ve also gotten a friend interested in this project; he’s probably going to help me build a semi-permanent results / interaction page for the project—something like this and this put together. On that second page, about shuffle algorithms, you can enter your own custom shuffling method. We are excited about having something like that for bots—visualise the data, and enter your own custom strategy to see how it performs. This lets us have a sort of long-running ‘informal’ tournament. But it is still on its way!
Unexpected, yes; problems, no. I’m currently re-implementing the entire thing in Clojure, as it gives me a really elegant, simple, “simulate my opponent” function (which is exciting!) and makes everything else much neater to boot. I’ve also gotten a friend interested in this project; he’s probably going to help me build a semi-permanent results / interaction page for the project—something like this and this put together. On that second page, about shuffle algorithms, you can enter your own custom shuffling method. We are excited about having something like that for bots—visualise the data, and enter your own custom strategy to see how it performs. This lets us have a sort of long-running ‘informal’ tournament. But it is still on its way!