“seems, if not in conflict with”
I think you noticed that there is no contradiction, but I agree that I need to clarify.
Faced with a massive lack of information and the task to predict the future it is clear that it would be pure luck to make the best decision. Operating with that mindset might even be hindering.
″ I must seek C*(A+B) at a lower cost.”
I was trying to get into what to choose / look for in a finite set with competition.
A B C … are terms of criteria that I estimate to be fulfilled to some degree. For simplicity they shall be binary logic terms. Every option that I have has more properties than I even know about and those I do know and find relevant, I either seek or avoid. Any term might contain many such properties.
Knowing what others are looking and paying for and that the world is very complicated, I find it more sensible to intentionally not use the same function to assess options. Instead I must design my net to “fish” in other areas of the choice property space. This applies to HR or any other investment.
“Styling” I will (and can) make the edits.
“parody” I call it a polemic analogy.
“seems, if not in conflict with” I think you noticed that there is no contradiction, but I agree that I need to clarify. Faced with a massive lack of information and the task to predict the future it is clear that it would be pure luck to make the best decision. Operating with that mindset might even be hindering.
″ I must seek C*(A+B) at a lower cost.” I was trying to get into what to choose / look for in a finite set with competition. A B C … are terms of criteria that I estimate to be fulfilled to some degree. For simplicity they shall be binary logic terms. Every option that I have has more properties than I even know about and those I do know and find relevant, I either seek or avoid. Any term might contain many such properties. Knowing what others are looking and paying for and that the world is very complicated, I find it more sensible to intentionally not use the same function to assess options. Instead I must design my net to “fish” in other areas of the choice property space. This applies to HR or any other investment.