I’d be extremely suspicious that I’d stopped maturing if myself in 10 years could get along perfectly with myself of today. Take an informal poll of the people around you, I’ll bet the vast majority of them would regard their past selves as frustratingly irritating because of all the missing advanced wisdom.
Personally, I hope my future selves will have improved at getting along with people in general, even people who lack wisdom, and especially if they have privileged knowledge of the contents of the other person’s head.
I’d be interested to see how their age played into this.
For example, I would expect that some college students who want to be teachers might find tweens decent company whereas others would be horrified at the prospect, and that 90 year olds might be sympathetic towards 80 year olds, whereas 30 year olds might more often regret drinking too much and studying too little in college.
Although in large part that is propaganda to make the question interesting more than a solid prediction.
I’d be extremely suspicious that I’d stopped maturing if myself in 10 years could get along perfectly with myself of today. Take an informal poll of the people around you, I’ll bet the vast majority of them would regard their past selves as frustratingly irritating because of all the missing advanced wisdom.
Personally, I hope my future selves will have improved at getting along with people in general, even people who lack wisdom, and especially if they have privileged knowledge of the contents of the other person’s head.
I would be extremely depressed if I was unable to grasp a concept communicated by my near future self over the space of 6 hours.
I’d be interested to see how their age played into this.
For example, I would expect that some college students who want to be teachers might find tweens decent company whereas others would be horrified at the prospect, and that 90 year olds might be sympathetic towards 80 year olds, whereas 30 year olds might more often regret drinking too much and studying too little in college.
Although in large part that is propaganda to make the question interesting more than a solid prediction.