Semantic distinctions are vital to efficient communication. Think of the crimes against good communication that have been committed by indiscriminate, over-broad use of terms like, “freedom,” “democracy,” “efficiency,” “equality,” and “terrorism,” to name just a few. Words carry important connotations, and we cannot help but evoke these connotations when we hear such words, even if they’ve been redefined so that they no longer deserve such connotations.
This is not to endorse this particular distinction; bullshit does appear inaccurate, but the suggested alternative is scarcely better.
Semantic distinctions are vital to efficient communication. Think of the crimes against good communication that have been committed by indiscriminate, over-broad use of terms like, “freedom,” “democracy,” “efficiency,” “equality,” and “terrorism,” to name just a few. Words carry important connotations, and we cannot help but evoke these connotations when we hear such words, even if they’ve been redefined so that they no longer deserve such connotations.
This is not to endorse this particular distinction; bullshit does appear inaccurate, but the suggested alternative is scarcely better.