Not entirely. It’s well known that, if you can’t find an unbiased opinion, it’s good to at least get biases from different directions. He has already seen the arguments in favor of cryonics. Repeating them would be wasting his time. Now he wants to find the arguments against. If they are more convincing than he expected, his expectations of cryonics working will go down. Otherwise, they will go up.
Doesn’t this thread go against the principles of The Bottom Line?
Not entirely. It’s well known that, if you can’t find an unbiased opinion, it’s good to at least get biases from different directions. He has already seen the arguments in favor of cryonics. Repeating them would be wasting his time. Now he wants to find the arguments against. If they are more convincing than he expected, his expectations of cryonics working will go down. Otherwise, they will go up.