Sure, but I’d guess voting patterns vary much more with age, education, and income than with gender.
It’s not just a question of whether they vary, it’s whether they vary in a way that systematically correlates with better (or worse) decisions. Also there are Campbell’s law considerations.
I think my point still stands.
Well, education is subject to Campbell’s law, but I suspect Konkvistador wouldn’t object to raising the voting age, or imposing income requirements.
Sure, but I’d guess voting patterns vary much more with age, education, and income than with gender.
It’s not just a question of whether they vary, it’s whether they vary in a way that systematically correlates with better (or worse) decisions. Also there are Campbell’s law considerations.
I think my point still stands.
Well, education is subject to Campbell’s law, but I suspect Konkvistador wouldn’t object to raising the voting age, or imposing income requirements.