Would be nice to have details of their algorithmic approach, instead of some nebulous buzzword like ‘Recursive Cortical Network’. I suppose it does hint somewhat at neural networks...
Their website also seems to emphasize the wrong thing—emphasizing the potential of visual processing algorithms and such. I would be more worried about whether their team is smart/visionary/revolutionary enough to make significant headway on such a difficult problem. Because they’re emphasizing the ‘wrong’ things, it sets off my ‘Solyndra’ alarms.
Agreed. Just giving their algorithm a fancy name doesn’t mean that they’ve come up with something signficantly better than the ideas in the countless papers in Computer Vision… the only evidence for that seems to be the 15M they just raised (but for that it seems to be enough if you have a good implementation with near state-of-art performance and a workable business idea. Or is it?)
Would be nice to have details of their algorithmic approach, instead of some nebulous buzzword like ‘Recursive Cortical Network’. I suppose it does hint somewhat at neural networks...
Their website also seems to emphasize the wrong thing—emphasizing the potential of visual processing algorithms and such. I would be more worried about whether their team is smart/visionary/revolutionary enough to make significant headway on such a difficult problem. Because they’re emphasizing the ‘wrong’ things, it sets off my ‘Solyndra’ alarms.
Agreed. Just giving their algorithm a fancy name doesn’t mean that they’ve come up with something signficantly better than the ideas in the countless papers in Computer Vision… the only evidence for that seems to be the 15M they just raised (but for that it seems to be enough if you have a good implementation with near state-of-art performance and a workable business idea. Or is it?)