@Vassar: That which is popularly regarded in philosophy as a “mountain” is a foothill of AI. Of course there can be individual philosophers who’ve already climbed to the top of the “mountain” and moved on; the problem is that the field of philosophy as a whole is not strong enough to notice when an exceptional individual has solved a problem, or perhaps it has no incentive to declare the problem solved rather than treating an unsolvable argument “as a biscuit bag that never runs out of biscuits”.
@Tyler: CEV runs once on a collection of existing humans then overwrites itself; it has no need to consider cyborgs, and can afford to be inclusive with respect to Terry Schiavo or cryonics patients.
@Vassar: That which is popularly regarded in philosophy as a “mountain” is a foothill of AI. Of course there can be individual philosophers who’ve already climbed to the top of the “mountain” and moved on; the problem is that the field of philosophy as a whole is not strong enough to notice when an exceptional individual has solved a problem, or perhaps it has no incentive to declare the problem solved rather than treating an unsolvable argument “as a biscuit bag that never runs out of biscuits”.
@Tyler: CEV runs once on a collection of existing humans then overwrites itself; it has no need to consider cyborgs, and can afford to be inclusive with respect to Terry Schiavo or cryonics patients.