Sorry, I wrote it in Google Docs and then copy/pasted—my guess is that stripping the formatting while maintaining structure would be a significant endeavor at this point—Google adds a lot of tags.
I put a reformatted version on
Pastebin. If you want to use
this, press the “HTML” button in the LW post editor and paste
into the window that appears. (I also made a handful of
small punctuation tweaks.)
I have a strong but not particularly sensible aversion to LW posts with weird formatting. Could you strip the font tags out of this post?
Sorry, I wrote it in Google Docs and then copy/pasted—my guess is that stripping the formatting while maintaining structure would be a significant endeavor at this point—Google adds a lot of tags.
I put a reformatted version on Pastebin. If you want to use this, press the “HTML” button in the LW post editor and paste into the window that appears. (I also made a handful of small punctuation tweaks.)
Done, thank you!
Try copy/pasting it again, but using Ctrl+Shift+V instead of Ctrl+V; this removes formatting. (It probably also removes links, though. Hmm.)