Yep. Moreover, readers can actually look up the sources for the ideas in the Sequences; the people who actually did the science or proved the math. They’re mostly cited. Just off the top of my head — Jaynes’ probability theory (with Good, Cox, et al as influences there), Pearl’s causality, Kahneman and Tversky’s heuristics-and-biases program, Tooby and Cosmides on evolutionary psychology, Axelrod’s Prisoners’ Dilemma, Korzybski’s map-vs.-territory distinction, …
Yep. Moreover, readers can actually look up the sources for the ideas in the Sequences; the people who actually did the science or proved the math. They’re mostly cited. Just off the top of my head — Jaynes’ probability theory (with Good, Cox, et al as influences there), Pearl’s causality, Kahneman and Tversky’s heuristics-and-biases program, Tooby and Cosmides on evolutionary psychology, Axelrod’s Prisoners’ Dilemma, Korzybski’s map-vs.-territory distinction, …