I am considering using Goodreads to manage my bookshelves electronically. But for reviews, I plan to post links to my LessWrong reviews to avoid spending time formatting text for both editors. Formatting text for Goodreads is rather effortful.
I have found the reviews and the discussions on Goodreads to be, on average, more concerned with persuasion than explanation.
Additionally, Goodreads would benefit significantly from a more effective voting system. You can only upvote, so people with a large following tend to dominate, regardless of the veracity or eloquence of what they write.
I am writing this here because I do not like to ghost anyone, unless see PS below.
You recently ask to be my friend on goodreads. However, you do not accept messages, and I feel that friends communicate. If all you went is to discuss books you can always comment, and then all you need to do is follow me.
Sorry for posting this here, but it was the only way, since I can’t even post a comment on a review without already being a friend.
Pronouns She/Her
PS—I don’t know what reviews you read on goodreads, but I do not find reviews of the nature you don’t like; it could be because I only read reviews from friends, and unlike you I let all comment. If I have and issue with it, depending on the nature of it, I will engage with commenter and present my complaint. However, if it is in anyway transphobic or it appears that you are hitting on me, I delete, and do nothing else.
Hello Stephie,
I set my goodreads profile to private a while back because of spam.
I understand your concerns. I assure you that I do not write hate speech in my reviews or engage in any other kind of misconduct.
Thanks for reaching out!
I’d caution against pursuing people too hard about friend requests on the Internet, even if they offered. Maybe a short message saying “hey, I sent you a request in case you didn’t see it”, but then leave it at that if they still don’t respond.
I am considering using Goodreads to manage my bookshelves electronically. But for reviews, I plan to post links to my LessWrong reviews to avoid spending time formatting text for both editors. Formatting text for Goodreads is rather effortful.
I have found the reviews and the discussions on Goodreads to be, on average, more concerned with persuasion than explanation.
Additionally, Goodreads would benefit significantly from a more effective voting system. You can only upvote, so people with a large following tend to dominate, regardless of the veracity or eloquence of what they write.
Hi Alexander,
I am writing this here because I do not like to ghost anyone, unless see PS below.
You recently ask to be my friend on goodreads. However, you do not accept messages, and I feel that friends communicate. If all you went is to discuss books you can always comment, and then all you need to do is follow me.
Sorry for posting this here, but it was the only way, since I can’t even post a comment on a review without already being a friend.
Pronouns She/Her
PS—I don’t know what reviews you read on goodreads, but I do not find reviews of the nature you don’t like; it could be because I only read reviews from friends, and unlike you I let all comment. If I have and issue with it, depending on the nature of it, I will engage with commenter and present my complaint. However, if it is in anyway transphobic or it appears that you are hitting on me, I delete, and do nothing else.
Hello Stephie, I set my goodreads profile to private a while back because of spam. I understand your concerns. I assure you that I do not write hate speech in my reviews or engage in any other kind of misconduct. Thanks for reaching out!
I’d caution against pursuing people too hard about friend requests on the Internet, even if they offered. Maybe a short message saying “hey, I sent you a request in case you didn’t see it”, but then leave it at that if they still don’t respond.