Recently I started phrasing probabilities in my head as odds; it feels arbitrary for me to say “this has a 30% probability” but it doesn’t feel arbitrary for me to say “I would put $20 down against $10 that this will happen and feel like I wasn’t losing money” in my head, then notice that this is roughly equivalent to a 33% probability.
To somewhat reiterate the edit on the OP, I don’t mean for this to be prescriptive or to postulate a serious theory behind it, I’m just observing what makes me feel more or less weird in terms of stating probabilities.
Recently I started phrasing probabilities in my head as odds; it feels arbitrary for me to say “this has a 30% probability” but it doesn’t feel arbitrary for me to say “I would put $20 down against $10 that this will happen and feel like I wasn’t losing money” in my head, then notice that this is roughly equivalent to a 33% probability.
To somewhat reiterate the edit on the OP, I don’t mean for this to be prescriptive or to postulate a serious theory behind it, I’m just observing what makes me feel more or less weird in terms of stating probabilities.