The hyperintelligence could decide to think half-as-slow, and use the remaining infrastructure to do something useful: for example, it could learn all there is to know about programming memristors, shunt its own code into half of the memristor, use the other half to solve the protein folding problem. After solving the protein folding problems, it could design proteins that built nano-machines that built memristors, transforming as much as is reasonable (or all, if Unfriendly) of its surroundings into more hyperintelligence brainware. Then, figure out how to build a space elevator (how hard can it be?), launch a probe into jupiter, and build a jupiter brain. Once you have a jupiter brain, you can really get creative.
[Oh, and just in case—launch a worm into the internet to infect every machine to potentially send the awesome-protein-sequence to a special lab, and to replicate the software into it, so that in the unlikely case I’m destroyed, I get recreated several times. Put money into a bank account with mechanical turk, so this resurrection plan can be funded.]
This is what I thought of within 2 minutes. If I spent a year thinking about it, I could probably come up with a better plan. If I spent a decade, even better. You better hope the AI doesn’t try directly transforming you into a memristor just for fun because it cares about you...
The hyperintelligence could decide to think half-as-slow, and use the remaining infrastructure to do something useful: for example, it could learn all there is to know about programming memristors, shunt its own code into half of the memristor, use the other half to solve the protein folding problem. After solving the protein folding problems, it could design proteins that built nano-machines that built memristors, transforming as much as is reasonable (or all, if Unfriendly) of its surroundings into more hyperintelligence brainware. Then, figure out how to build a space elevator (how hard can it be?), launch a probe into jupiter, and build a jupiter brain. Once you have a jupiter brain, you can really get creative. [Oh, and just in case—launch a worm into the internet to infect every machine to potentially send the awesome-protein-sequence to a special lab, and to replicate the software into it, so that in the unlikely case I’m destroyed, I get recreated several times. Put money into a bank account with mechanical turk, so this resurrection plan can be funded.] This is what I thought of within 2 minutes. If I spent a year thinking about it, I could probably come up with a better plan. If I spent a decade, even better. You better hope the AI doesn’t try directly transforming you into a memristor just for fun because it cares about you...