“Evolution” might be too broad a term: you could say things like asteroid impacts or volcanic eruptions, for example, apply no optimizing pressure on anything, and reasonably argue such things are part of evolution. Fair enough, so let’s narrowly talk about “natural selection.” That is an active force in every reasonable sense of the term, as much so as gravity. As certain as a dog breeder selecting for whatever he wishes, this process selects for … something. Precisely what is being selected for, … well, that’s the Alien God aspect: something to do with gene frequencies, “inclusive fitness” or whatever.
“Evolution” might be too broad a term: you could say things like asteroid impacts or volcanic eruptions, for example, apply no optimizing pressure on anything, and reasonably argue such things are part of evolution. Fair enough, so let’s narrowly talk about “natural selection.” That is an active force in every reasonable sense of the term, as much so as gravity. As certain as a dog breeder selecting for whatever he wishes, this process selects for … something. Precisely what is being selected for, … well, that’s the Alien God aspect: something to do with gene frequencies, “inclusive fitness” or whatever.
Yeah I think I’m wrong about this. Thanks to all of you commenters for feedback. I’m updating.