Excuse me. I am browsing the internet and found this site. Unfortunately I cannot start my own discussion thread, and I’m sorry. I don’t want to interrupt, but I’m here just for one thing and will be gone as soon as I can, and I need some help.
I am looking for good and free online maths courses for a girl of elementary school and middle school age. I am having a difficult time though. This website looks to have lots of discussions going on here, and I would like it very much if any of you could assist me. This girl is smart, but she doesn’t have access to very good teachers. Can anyone please provide her with a list of high quality free online maths courses, through me?
Thank you very much, in anticipation of any help that we might get. I am sorry this is in the wrong spot. Again, thank you.
Khan Academy would probably be your best bet. It’s free, it’s in a visual medium, and the instructors are incredibly good. You can also find their videos by searching youtube for “Khan Academy ”, however, youtube only has the lectures and doesn’t have the practice problems. There are lots of other free math tutoring options, but Khan Academy is the only one I know that is accessible to children. (Also this post would probably have been best in this in this month’s open thread, but I don’t think anyone will mind too much.)
You don’t need to leave the site after getting your answer though. There’s lots to see here. You might want to check out the welcome thread for new members or take a look at the FAQ to see what we’re about.
Also, search youtube. As Xachariah said, Khan Academy is good and you will probably find it as a suggestion as a source in a bunch of the places I posted.
And hey, while you are here, check out the site: the about section.
Excuse me. I am browsing the internet and found this site. Unfortunately I cannot start my own discussion thread, and I’m sorry. I don’t want to interrupt, but I’m here just for one thing and will be gone as soon as I can, and I need some help.
I am looking for good and free online maths courses for a girl of elementary school and middle school age. I am having a difficult time though. This website looks to have lots of discussions going on here, and I would like it very much if any of you could assist me. This girl is smart, but she doesn’t have access to very good teachers. Can anyone please provide her with a list of high quality free online maths courses, through me?
Thank you very much, in anticipation of any help that we might get. I am sorry this is in the wrong spot. Again, thank you.
Khan Academy would probably be your best bet. It’s free, it’s in a visual medium, and the instructors are incredibly good. You can also find their videos by searching youtube for “Khan Academy ”, however, youtube only has the lectures and doesn’t have the practice problems. There are lots of other free math tutoring options, but Khan Academy is the only one I know that is accessible to children. (Also this post would probably have been best in this in this month’s open thread, but I don’t think anyone will mind too much.)
You don’t need to leave the site after getting your answer though. There’s lots to see here. You might want to check out the welcome thread for new members or take a look at the FAQ to see what we’re about.
Also, search youtube. As Xachariah said, Khan Academy is good and you will probably find it as a suggestion as a source in a bunch of the places I posted.
And hey, while you are here, check out the site: the about section.