Thanks. Yes, I was thinking of an AI that is both superintelligent and technically Friendly, but about log(x)^10 of the benefit from the intelligence explosion is actually received by humans. The AI just sets up its own cult and meditates for most of the day, thinking of how to wring more money out of its adoring fans. Are there ways to set up theoretical frameworks that avoid scenarios vaguely similar to that? If so, how?
Thanks. Yes, I was thinking of an AI that is both superintelligent and technically Friendly, but about log(x)^10 of the benefit from the intelligence explosion is actually received by humans. The AI just sets up its own cult and meditates for most of the day, thinking of how to wring more money out of its adoring fans. Are there ways to set up theoretical frameworks that avoid scenarios vaguely similar to that? If so, how?