START TRACKING YOUR SYMPTOMS Have a signal chat to yourself or similar. Make sure its very low friction and you’ve impressed on yourself the importance of tracking symptoms
What do you do with this data? Do you have any examples of insights you’ve gained by tracking symptoms this way? I’ve personally found that tracking symptoms (which I did for about 3 years, increasingly obsessively towards the end, to the point of writing this post) led to obsessing over my symptoms and that this was probably making things worse. I wasn’t even gaining much insight through tracking, it was just more like “maybe someone or AI will find patterns in this at some point and be able to explain everything to me so I can get better”.
Claude made me a react applet for staring at trends- there are obvious worsenings at certain points in my hormonal cycle, and it’s nice to be able to check if my perceived frequency of a given symptom is off (often the case), and which symptoms tend to cluster (useful for interrogating whether I have more than 1 maligned process)
It’s also been psychologically useful. I obsess less over symptoms if I know they’re being tracked, and it’s nice seeing that a lot of the things I worry about resolve themselves or aren’t always true
What do you do with this data? Do you have any examples of insights you’ve gained by tracking symptoms this way? I’ve personally found that tracking symptoms (which I did for about 3 years, increasingly obsessively towards the end, to the point of writing this post) led to obsessing over my symptoms and that this was probably making things worse. I wasn’t even gaining much insight through tracking, it was just more like “maybe someone or AI will find patterns in this at some point and be able to explain everything to me so I can get better”.
Claude made me a react applet for staring at trends- there are obvious worsenings at certain points in my hormonal cycle, and it’s nice to be able to check if my perceived frequency of a given symptom is off (often the case), and which symptoms tend to cluster (useful for interrogating whether I have more than 1 maligned process)
It’s also been psychologically useful. I obsess less over symptoms if I know they’re being tracked, and it’s nice seeing that a lot of the things I worry about resolve themselves or aren’t always true