but you’re using numbers and characters to write words
Sorry, I was posting that from my phone, and had to squeeze everything in the 512 character limit; didn’t bother to edit it from the PC.
That’s not acceptable behavior here, and will generally get you downvoted no matter how good your excuse is. (Well, okay, hypothetically speaking there’s probably a sufficiently good excuse. But given that you’re not writing from some ridiculously oppressive country where you have to stick to a 512 character limit in order for your message to have a reasonable chance of getting out of that country undetected rather than triggering your internet connection getting cut, do it right.)
Well, I happen to be very emotionally frail myself (although 95% of the time I repress my emotions strongly) and, seeing as some of the fine folks here also have various personality disorders, I wanted to assist them with the emotional anguish that I knew they were facing.
This… may not be the right forum for you. We’re generally trying to go in the opposite direction from what you just described—making ourselves strong enough to deal with difficult truths, not figuring out ways to avoid those truths to stay comfortable.
… people will whore for karma, and nothing can be done about that.
Downvoting can be done about it. In a more abstract sense, status-based punishment can be done about it, too. You’re not establishing a very good reputation, that way.
This… may not be the right forum for you. We’re generally trying to go in the opposite direction from what you just described—making ourselves strong enough to deal with difficult truths, not figuring out ways to avoid those truths to stay comfortable.
But I am trying to become stronger. I was hurt by changing my mind, and did value from it; afterwards, the hurt stopped being productive and I tried to mitigate it.
Downvoting can be done about it. In a more abstract sense, status-based punishment can be done about it, too. You’re not establishing a very good reputation, that way.
I could go about it in a sneaky way, or openly; which one do you think is worse? If it looks like a game, especially one of status and prestige, people are going to play it; the system should just tax such behavior with making the occasional genuinely valuable contribution essential for “selfish” strategies.
That’s not acceptable behavior here, and will generally get you downvoted no matter how good your excuse is. (Well, okay, hypothetically speaking there’s probably a sufficiently good excuse. But given that you’re not writing from some ridiculously oppressive country where you have to stick to a 512 character limit in order for your message to have a reasonable chance of getting out of that country undetected rather than triggering your internet connection getting cut, do it right.)
This… may not be the right forum for you. We’re generally trying to go in the opposite direction from what you just described—making ourselves strong enough to deal with difficult truths, not figuring out ways to avoid those truths to stay comfortable.
Downvoting can be done about it. In a more abstract sense, status-based punishment can be done about it, too. You’re not establishing a very good reputation, that way.
But I am trying to become stronger. I was hurt by changing my mind, and did value from it; afterwards, the hurt stopped being productive and I tried to mitigate it.
I could go about it in a sneaky way, or openly; which one do you think is worse? If it looks like a game, especially one of status and prestige, people are going to play it; the system should just tax such behavior with making the occasional genuinely valuable contribution essential for “selfish” strategies.