Linus Torvalds invented Linux and probably knows everything.
Doubt that very much. Linus is the creator of a kernel, which is only a small (though important) part of the whole shebang people call “Linux”.
For most people, it probably doesn’t matter all that much whether your “stack” includes Linux or FreeBSD or any of the other kernels you can find.
Similarly apache is going to be largely invisible to people who use a web framework at a higher level of abstraction than CGI (that would be most of today’s frameworks).
Bottom line—I agree that describing one’s “stack” in the above form is uninformative. Say not the names of products you had to memorize; say the things you can make them do.
Doubt that very much. Linus is the creator of a kernel, which is only a small (though important) part of the whole shebang people call “Linux”.
For most people, it probably doesn’t matter all that much whether your “stack” includes Linux or FreeBSD or any of the other kernels you can find.
Similarly apache is going to be largely invisible to people who use a web framework at a higher level of abstraction than CGI (that would be most of today’s frameworks).
Bottom line—I agree that describing one’s “stack” in the above form is uninformative. Say not the names of products you had to memorize; say the things you can make them do.