Someone should write an algorithm that makes DEEEEEPLY PROFOUND statements. Have it accept or construct for itself any trivially true sentence, such as...
What could be more healthy than being unable to die?
What could be more deadly than being able to die?
What could be less deadly than being unable to die?
...and replace a word with an antonym, or add or elide a negation, and out comes something like...
What could be more healthy than being unable to live?
What could be less unhealthy than being able to die?
What could be more deadly than being able to live?
What could be more deadly than being unable to die?
Someone should write an algorithm that makes DEEEEEPLY PROFOUND statements. Have it accept or construct for itself any trivially true sentence, such as...
What could be more healthy than being unable to die?
What could be more deadly than being able to die?
What could be less deadly than being unable to die?
...and replace a word with an antonym, or add or elide a negation, and out comes something like...
What could be more healthy than being unable to live?
What could be less unhealthy than being able to die?
What could be more deadly than being able to live?
What could be more deadly than being unable to die?