The quote sounds like unalloyed marketing bullshit to me.
What about marketing is “bullshit”?
Calling market research bullshit isn’t very constructive.
That question is easily answered by looking at the tables of mortality and morbidity.
Tables of mortality and morbidity of what?
Just mortality and morbidity? How does that tell you anything except when you’re going to die and with with what causes? Not all diseases of concern kill you.
“how do you prioritise?” is entirely different from the question of forecasting the trends in the healthcare industry.
Really? So do you prioritise concerns for other things without thinking about the future? Do you prioritise the threat of titanic bunny rabbit asteroids hitting the earth over pandemic influenza without accounting for the extreme inprobabiltiy of the former, and relatively higher probability of the latter.
What about marketing is “bullshit”? Calling market research bullshit isn’t very constructive.
Tables of mortality and morbidity of what? Just mortality and morbidity? How does that tell you anything except when you’re going to die and with with what causes? Not all diseases of concern kill you.
Really? So do you prioritise concerns for other things without thinking about the future? Do you prioritise the threat of titanic bunny rabbit asteroids hitting the earth over pandemic influenza without accounting for the extreme inprobabiltiy of the former, and relatively higher probability of the latter.
Marketing’s reason for existence is to persuade you of something. Truth is not only optional, but in many cases is just contraindicated.
Of humans. Do you know what these tables are? And what is “morbidity”?
I? I do not prioritise these threats at all since there is nothing I can do about them.