How long will the superhappy-human-babyeater conglomerate last ? How many other species will they meet in the universe ? How arbitrary can and will be the aesthetics, morality, utilities of those new species ? If they are arbitrary enough, and enough of them are met, what will the resulting following compromises look like ?
Depending on how many goals, values, etc. are more or less universal—and some would perhaps be, since after most if not all those species will have come into being through evolution in the same universe—then those are the only thing that’ll remain, the only values and particularities. As the rest is arbitrary, the average will probably cancel any subtlety out.
The longer you go, the more monomaniacal and bland the resulting compromise will become. In the end, you’ll have something like orgasmium, for maybe a handful of values that were shared between a majority of those species. The rest, noise. Would that be ok ?
How long will the superhappy-human-babyeater conglomerate last ? How many other species will they meet in the universe ? How arbitrary can and will be the aesthetics, morality, utilities of those new species ? If they are arbitrary enough, and enough of them are met, what will the resulting following compromises look like ?
Depending on how many goals, values, etc. are more or less universal—and some would perhaps be, since after most if not all those species will have come into being through evolution in the same universe—then those are the only thing that’ll remain, the only values and particularities. As the rest is arbitrary, the average will probably cancel any subtlety out.
The longer you go, the more monomaniacal and bland the resulting compromise will become. In the end, you’ll have something like orgasmium, for maybe a handful of values that were shared between a majority of those species. The rest, noise. Would that be ok ?