Requiring that people have been incubated in a human womb seems like enough of a bottleneck, though even that’s politically problematic if there are artificial wombs or tech for incubation in non-humans.
The associations between prevalence and cultural dimensions are consistent with the prediction that T. gondii can influence human culture. Just as individuals infected with T. gondii score themselves higher in the neurotic factor guilt-proneness, nations with high T. gondii prevalence had a higher aggregate neuroticism score. In addition, Western nations with high T. gondii prevalence were higher in the ‘neurotic’ cultural dimensions of masculine sex roles and uncertainty avoidance. These results were predicted by a logical scaling-up from individuals to aggregate personalities to cultural dimensions.
Requiring that people have been incubated in a human womb seems like enough of a bottleneck
You’re probably right. It probably is. But we lose nothing by being more conservative, because the first round of CEV will add in all the turkey baster babies.
Requiring that people have been incubated in a human womb seems like enough of a bottleneck, though even that’s politically problematic if there are artificial wombs or tech for incubation in non-humans.
However, I’m more concerned that uncaring inhuman forces already have a vote.
You may also be interested in this article:
Can the common brain parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, influence human culture?
You’re probably right. It probably is. But we lose nothing by being more conservative, because the first round of CEV will add in all the turkey baster babies.