Ten thousand years later, postkangaroo children learn from their history books about Kutta, the one who has chosen to share the future with his marsupial brothers and sisters :)
If an upload remembers having had legs, and/or is motivated to acquire for itself a body with exactly two legs and no feathers, please explain either how this definition would adequately exclude uploads or why you are opposed to equal rights for very young children (not yet capable of walking upright) and amputees.
A sexbot is a robot for sex—still a human under the featherless biped definition as long as has two legs and no feathers.
If the point is to exclude “uploaded versions”, what counts as uploaded? How about if I transfer my mind (brain state) to another human body? If that makes me still a human, what rational basis is there for defining a mind-body system as human or not based on the kind of the body it is running in?
Define human.
Featherless biped.
Ten thousand years later, postkangaroo children learn from their history books about Kutta, the one who has chosen to share the future with his marsupial brothers and sisters :)
If an upload remembers having had legs, and/or is motivated to acquire for itself a body with exactly two legs and no feathers, please explain either how this definition would adequately exclude uploads or why you are opposed to equal rights for very young children (not yet capable of walking upright) and amputees.
Includes sexbots, and excludes uploaded versions of me.
The point is to exclude uploaded versions of you. I’m more concerned about including plucked chickens.
BTW, what is the difference between a sexbot and a catgirl?
A sexbot is a robot for sex—still a human under the featherless biped definition as long as has two legs and no feathers.
If the point is to exclude “uploaded versions”, what counts as uploaded? How about if I transfer my mind (brain state) to another human body? If that makes me still a human, what rational basis is there for defining a mind-body system as human or not based on the kind of the body it is running in?