As someone who has no interest in the case (I haven’t made any comment related to the case, nor read any of the discussions), judging from just the posts,
With respect, I suggest reading the discussions, not just the posts, before making any negative judgment of komponisto.
I don’t want to read that much text about a topic I have little interest in. Can you explain how my judgment would be changed if I did read the discussions? Also, I think a post should stand on its own content. If one needs to have read hundreds of comments before it can be fully understood/appreciated, then at least some kind of disclaimer to that effect should be attached.
Ok, that was too strong, but I think I still have a reasonable point here.
Once you’ve read the “hundreds of other posts”, you can follow most subsequent posts, and even then we encourage people to link unfamiliar concepts to the wiki or past posts. But in this case apparently you need to have read hundreds of comments just to follow one particular post.
With respect, I suggest reading the discussions, not just the posts, before making any negative judgment of komponisto.
I don’t want to read that much text about a topic I have little interest in. Can you explain how my judgment would be changed if I did read the discussions? Also, I think a post should stand on its own content. If one needs to have read hundreds of comments before it can be fully understood/appreciated, then at least some kind of disclaimer to that effect should be attached.
We don’t even expect people to follow the posts here without having read hundreds of other posts; “stand on its own” seems a little strong.
Ok, that was too strong, but I think I still have a reasonable point here.
Once you’ve read the “hundreds of other posts”, you can follow most subsequent posts, and even then we encourage people to link unfamiliar concepts to the wiki or past posts. But in this case apparently you need to have read hundreds of comments just to follow one particular post.