For example, the Sorites paradox is what you get when you start overthinking what a “heap” is. (Start with a heap of sand. Take away grains one at a time, until you don’t have a heap any more. Exactly which grain of sand was it that made the difference between being a heap and not being a heap? The correct answer is “Who the hell cares, we can still call something a ‘heap’ and be understood without actually needing to be able to handle the weird edge cases.”)
For example, the Sorites paradox is what you get when you start overthinking what a “heap” is. (Start with a heap of sand. Take away grains one at a time, until you don’t have a heap any more. Exactly which grain of sand was it that made the difference between being a heap and not being a heap? The correct answer is “Who the hell cares, we can still call something a ‘heap’ and be understood without actually needing to be able to handle the weird edge cases.”)