You certainly seem to have succeeded in maintaining a self-identity that does not include a partisan political affiliation. I don’t know whether you consider yourself Moldbuggian (a political identity) or simply think Moldbug’s ideas are very interesting. (someday, we should hash out better what interests you in Moldbug).
My point when I’ve challenged your self-label “apolitical” is that you’ve sometime used the label to suggest that you don’t have preferences about how society should be changed to better reflect how you think it should be organized. At the very least, there’s been some ambiguity in your usage.
There’s nothing wrong with having opinions and advocating for particular social changes. But sometimes you act like you aren’t doing that, which I think is empirically false.
You certainly seem to have succeeded in maintaining a self-identity that does not include a partisan political affiliation. I don’t know whether you consider yourself Moldbuggian (a political identity) or simply think Moldbug’s ideas are very interesting. (someday, we should hash out better what interests you in Moldbug).
My point when I’ve challenged your self-label “apolitical” is that you’ve sometime used the label to suggest that you don’t have preferences about how society should be changed to better reflect how you think it should be organized. At the very least, there’s been some ambiguity in your usage.
There’s nothing wrong with having opinions and advocating for particular social changes. But sometimes you act like you aren’t doing that, which I think is empirically false.