Regarding the fact that you forget quicker than usual. Why not using the deck settings like lowering the interval modifier + adding a 6 month limit ? Or just lowering the starting ease.
More generally, usually, the path is: I see someone every week, then I don’t see them at all anymore. This is usually the case when I move to a new country/job. That’s the moment where the interval/setting should change. Even if I don’t do it manually, the next time the question is asked and I press again, the fact that I forgot means the interval will become small again. In this case, the app will mostly deal with it by itself, even if it takes some time, so no reason to take time dealing with it myself.
Regarding the fact that you forget quicker than usual. Why not using the deck settings like lowering the interval modifier + adding a 6 month limit ? Or just lowering the starting ease.
Because I’m lazy.
More generally, usually, the path is: I see someone every week, then I don’t see them at all anymore. This is usually the case when I move to a new country/job. That’s the moment where the interval/setting should change. Even if I don’t do it manually, the next time the question is asked and I press again, the fact that I forgot means the interval will become small again. In this case, the app will mostly deal with it by itself, even if it takes some time, so no reason to take time dealing with it myself.