I suspect that the True Prisoner’s Dilemma played itself out in the Portugese and Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica. Some natives were said to ask, “Do they eat gold?” They couldn’t comprehend why someone would want a shiny decorative material so badly, they’d kill for it. The Spanish were Shiny Decorative Material maximizers.
But I should correct you, that you are only talking about the Spanish conquest, not the Portuguese, since 1) Mesoamerica was not conquered by the Portuguese; 2) Portuguese possessions in America (AKA Brazil) had very little gold and silver, which was only discovered much later, when it was already in Portuguese domain.
I suspect that the True Prisoner’s Dilemma played itself out in the Portugese and Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica. Some natives were said to ask, “Do they eat gold?” They couldn’t comprehend why someone would want a shiny decorative material so badly, they’d kill for it. The Spanish were Shiny Decorative Material maximizers.
That’s a really insightful comment!
But I should correct you, that you are only talking about the Spanish conquest, not the Portuguese, since 1) Mesoamerica was not conquered by the Portuguese; 2) Portuguese possessions in America (AKA Brazil) had very little gold and silver, which was only discovered much later, when it was already in Portuguese domain.
In a sense they did eat gold, like we eat stacks of printed paper, or perhaps nowadays little numbers on computer screens.