If Reebok wanted to report a valid statistic they would report something like 11% of the top 100 wears our shoos, I think a much smaller number than top 100 was picked exactly because that was where the effect was the most exaggerated. ChristianKl share your intuition that 3⁄5 sounds more impressive than 2⁄3. I also agree that reporting top 4 would seem even more fishy, though it could be spun as 75% of quarter finalists in knockout tournament sports.
If Reebok wanted to report a valid statistic they would report something like 11% of the top 100 wears our shoos, I think a much smaller number than top 100 was picked exactly because that was where the effect was the most exaggerated. ChristianKl share your intuition that 3⁄5 sounds more impressive than 2⁄3. I also agree that reporting top 4 would seem even more fishy, though it could be spun as 75% of quarter finalists in knockout tournament sports.