My “contempt for librarians” is sufficiently fictional that I am happy to pay the 5 karma point penalty I am currently paying (on account of the very negative comment upthread) to reiterate: I do not have contempt for librarians, nor did I express contempt for librarians; you are drawing an incorrect inference and should update whatever mental model led you to draw it.
(I agree that private_messaging’s comment is extremely silly, and I regret the fact that what I wrote seems to have encouraged it.)
My “contempt for librarians” is sufficiently fictional that I am happy to pay the 5 karma point penalty I am currently paying (on account of the very negative comment upthread) to reiterate: I do not have contempt for librarians, nor did I express contempt for librarians; you are drawing an incorrect inference and should update whatever mental model led you to draw it.
(I agree that private_messaging’s comment is extremely silly, and I regret the fact that what I wrote seems to have encouraged it.)