Before you get too enthusiastic about MLP:FiM’s nontheist bona fides, bear in mind that one of the main characters is essentially a grad student under the local sun goddess.
While the situation is complicated by the fact that the sun goddess is also a (figurehead?) queen, the gods and magic in the show are treated largely the way they are in the Discworld books: as parts of life to be accepted and dealt with just like the rest of the world.
Before you get too enthusiastic about MLP:FiM’s nontheist bona fides, bear in mind that one of the main characters is essentially a grad student under the local sun goddess.
While the situation is complicated by the fact that the sun goddess is also a (figurehead?) queen, the gods and magic in the show are treated largely the way they are in the Discworld books: as parts of life to be accepted and dealt with just like the rest of the world.