I agree in general, but there’s a lot more things than just AI safety that ought to be worked on more (ie. research on neglected diseases), and today’s AI safety research might reach diminishing returns quickly because we are likely some time away from reaching human level AI. There’s a funding level for AI safety research where I’d want to think about whether it was too much. I don’t think we’ve reached that point quite yet, but it’s probably worth keeping track of the marginal impact of new AI research dollars/researchers to see if it falls off.
I agree in general, but there’s a lot more things than just AI safety that ought to be worked on more (ie. research on neglected diseases), and today’s AI safety research might reach diminishing returns quickly because we are likely some time away from reaching human level AI. There’s a funding level for AI safety research where I’d want to think about whether it was too much. I don’t think we’ve reached that point quite yet, but it’s probably worth keeping track of the marginal impact of new AI research dollars/researchers to see if it falls off.