You seem to be confusing racial diversity with ideological diversity.
Since you seem to be not reading the link:
Of our 1090 respondents, 972 (89%) were male, 92 (8.4%) female, 7 (.6%) transexual, and 19 gave various other answers or objected to the question. As abysmally male-dominated as these results are, the percent of women has tripled since the last survey in mid-2009.
We’re also a little more diverse than we were in 2009; our percent non-whites has risen from 6% to just below 10%. Along with 944 whites (86%) we include 38 Hispanics (3.5%), 31 East Asians (2.8%), 26 Indian Asians (2.4%) and 4 blacks (.4%).
Since you seem to be not reading the link:
This is not a diverse propulation.
See my edit of the parent.
As far as I can tell, you’ve misunderstood his argument. This thread started out as a thread about racial diversity.