Agreed. (But note that estimates vary a lot, with many predicting HLMI much sooner and many much later; many in 2016 predicted HLMI before retirement and many in 2022 predict HLMI long after retirement. And it’s anonymous anyway.)
If you have the age of the participants, it would be interesting to test whether there is a strong correlation between expected retirement age and AI timelines.
We do not. (We have “Which AI research area have you worked in for the longest time?” and “How long have you worked in this area?” which might be interesting, though.)
Agreed. (But note that estimates vary a lot, with many predicting HLMI much sooner and many much later; many in 2016 predicted HLMI before retirement and many in 2022 predict HLMI long after retirement. And it’s anonymous anyway.)
If you have the age of the participants, it would be interesting to test whether there is a strong correlation between expected retirement age and AI timelines.
We do not. (We have “Which AI research area have you worked in for the longest time?” and “How long have you worked in this area?” which might be interesting, though.)