Count me in the camp that thinks they are obviously pointless.
One reason I’m interested in this is that people’s choices vary but most people, myself included, believe their choice is clearly correct.
In fact, I’d ask for another question beneath it: If you picked one of the first 4 options, how confident are you that you’re correct?
One reason I’m interested in this is people’s choices vary widly, but most people, myself included, believe their choice is clearly correct.
One reason I’m interested in this is people’s choices vary widly, but most people believe their choice is clearly correct.
Count me in the camp that thinks they are obviously pointless.
One reason I’m interested in this is that people’s choices vary but most people, myself included, believe their choice is clearly correct.
In fact, I’d ask for another question beneath it: If you picked one of the first 4 options, how confident are you that you’re correct?
One reason I’m interested in this is people’s choices vary widly, but most people, myself included, believe their choice is clearly correct.
In fact, I’d ask for another question beneath it: If you picked one of the first 4 options, how confident are you that you’re correct?
One reason I’m interested in this is people’s choices vary widly, but most people believe their choice is clearly correct.
In fact, I’d ask for another question beneath it: If you picked one of the first 4 options, how confident are you that you’re correct?