Average masks are probably surgical or cloth, depending on your location; KN-95s are a slight upgrade from average, maybe 1.5x, but fitted N-95s are significantly better, probably 4x. P100s would still be great if our society did not treat them like a slap in the face.
https://smile.amazon.de/-/en/Aura-Respirator-9330-Folding-Unvalved/dp/B00VAT74NG/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2FHXM7CKD66WS&keywords=aura+3m+9330&qid=1639930225&s=industrial&sprefix=3m+aura+9330%2Cindustrial%2C73&sr=1-3 is equivalent to N99 and designed to actually fit. If you don’t like wearing P100s they are likely your best bet.