It has become increasingly clear over the last year or so that planets can in fact form around highly metal poor stars. Example planet. This both increases the total number of planets to expect and increase the chance that planets formed around the very oldest stars. (Younger stars have higher metal content). One argument against Great Filter concerns is that it might be that life cannot arise much younger than it did on Earth because stars much older than our sun would not have high metal content. This seems to seriously undermine this argument.
How much should this do to our estimates for whether to expect heavy Filtration in front of us? My immediate reaction is that it does make future filtration more likely but not by much since even if planets could form, a lack of carbon and other heavier elements would still make formation of life and its evolution into complicated creatures difficult. Is this analysis accurate?
I have a Great Filter related thought which doesn’t address your question directly but, hey, it’s the Open Thread.
My thesis here is that the presence of abundant fossil energy on earth is the primary thing that has enabled our technological civilization, and abundant fossil energy may be far less common than intelligent life.
On top of all the other qualities of Earth which allowed it to host its profusion of life, I’ll point out a few more facts related specifically to fossil energy, which I haven’t seen in any discussions of Fermi’s Paradox or the Great Filter.
Life on Earth happens to be carbon-based, and carbon-based life, when heated in an anoxic environment, turns into oil, gas and coal.
Earth is roughly 2⁄3 covered in oceans (this figure has varied over geologic time), a fact with significant consequences to deposition of dead algae, erosion, and sedimentation.
Earth possesses a mass, size, and age such that the temperature a few kilometers below the surface may be hundreds of degrees C, while the surface temperature remains “Goldilocks.”
Earth has a conveniently oxidizing atmosphere in which hydrocarbons burn easily, but not so oxidizing that it prevents stable carbon-based life. Quite a narrow window, really.
Life has existed on Earth for billions of years, and thus algae and other life forms have been dying in oceans and swamps and accumulating subsurface hydrocarbon source material, for billions of years.
Put all this together and realize that the formation of oil, gas, and coal happens only in rare and specific circumstances even on Earth. We seem to have a lot of these resources today, but it took billions of years for them to accumulate in the quantities we now find.
If any one of the above facts were not true, we would not have fossil energy—coal, oil, gas, plastics, lubricants—we would not have an industrial revolution, and we would not have a technological civilization.
Many of the facts on the above list have to be true simply to enable fire, as in, wood fire, imagine what human history would look like if the oxygen content of Earth’s atmosphere was too low to sustain wood fire?
Anyways, maybe people have discussed this before, but I wasn’t able to Google anything up.
The oxidizing atmosphere is not due to chance. It was created by early life that exhaled oxygen, and killed off its neighbors that couldn’t handle it. Hence, I don’t think the goldilocks oxygen levels speak much to great filter questions.
Early in civilization, we used wood and charcoal as energy sources. Blacksmithing and cast iron were originally done with wood charcoal. Cast iron is a very important tool in our history of machine tools and hence the industrial revolution. It’s possible that we could have carried on without coal, instead using large-scale forestry management or other biomass as our energy source. In the early 1700s there were already environmental concerns about deforestation. They were more related to continued supply of wood for charcoal and hunting grounds than “ecological” concerns, but there were still laws and regulations enacted to deal with the problem.
How many people do we need to support a high-tech civilization? I suspect fewer than we tried it with. It’s quite possible that biofuel sources would have produced a high tech civilization, just slower and with fewer people.
Also, note that biofuels can produce all the lubricants and plastics you need just fine. The Fischer-Tropsch process has been implemented on a large scale before.
I think that given all this, you could get the modern metal lathe and the steam engine without fossil fuels. We already harnessed basic water and wind power without fossil fuels. I suspect with modern machine tools you get to electricity and large-scale water and wind power generation, even without fossil fuels. Again, more slowly, and possibly without so many people, but I think you can get there.
These are all good points and I don’t disagree with you. It probably is worth pointing out that ever since about 1800 our civilization has had “the pedal to the metal” in terms of accelerating our demand for energy, i.e. an exponential rise in energy demand, and that demand has been consistently met and often exceeded—this is why we can afford to fill our personal cars with this precious fuel on a regular basis.
I think that a sufficiently forward-thinking civilization probably could base its energy production around biofuels, but a gallon of gasoline-equivalent would probably cost about a thousand dollars-equivalent. Building a skyscraper would be a project akin to manned space flight. Manned space flight would be completely out of the realm of possibility.
but a gallon of gasoline-equivalent would probably cost about a thousand dollars-equivalent.
I find this doubtful, being as ethanol (25 MJ/L) is nowhere near that expensive to create, and is fairly near the energy density of gasoline (35 MJ/L).
Consider the entire economy, though. Let’s not assume that ethanol could ever replace fossil fuels at the scale needed for explosive technological growth. the reason pure ethanol is cheap in the modern world is because we have enormous economies of scale producing the necessary feedstocks which rely on trucks and trains and fertilizers, hell, even the energy used to distill the ethanol is typically from fossil fuel.
It’s about supply-demand. If, tomorrow, there were no gasoline anymore, the price of ethanol would be astronomical.
Note, though, that we are talking about much smaller population—so you could spend quite a lot of land per capita on growing both ethanol source and fuel.
Current size of humankind is clearly unsustainable in this mode, of course.
Careful. Economies of scale for quantity million parts don’t show up until probably the 20th century. Prior to that, the effect of reduced population size might just be reduced variety. Do you have any idea how many manufacturers of engine lathes there were at the end of the 19th century, for instance? (Hint: more than a couple.)
The oxidizing atmosphere is not due to chance. It was created by early life that exhaled oxygen, and killed off its neighbors that couldn’t handle it. Hence, I don’t think the goldilocks oxygen levels speak much to great filter questions.
Actually, the neighbors that couldn’t handle oxygen got forced underground. They live in the mud under the deep sea, in digestive tracts, etc.
Well, some of their descendants are still alive, yes. But I believe that there was a lot of dying involved in that process. More than I think is implied by the phrase “forced underground”.
Well, one point is that supposedly there were a lot of societal factors that also had to be in place for the industrial revolution to take place. (Apparently if you lived anywhere but Britain, if you were doing anything cool, the ruling monarch would come along and just take it.) So it’s not necessarily just tech.
Another point is that Earth appears to have periodic ice ages, and many/most human civilizations seem to collapse after a while. So sustaining progress over long periods is nontrivial.
Well, one point is that supposedly there were a lot of societal factors that also had to be in place for the industrial revolution to take place.
Environmental ones too. Britain had to be so short of wood and charcoal to burn that using coal in home stoves, even with its nasty byproducts, was preferably to most people going without any source of burnable fuel. The widespread proliferation of coal that followed to meet the demand meant there was plenty of it about to turn to other purposes.
Frankly, I’m wondering if the whole idea of exponential growth is just short cultural time horizons applied to the implications of fossil fuels for energy production, which touched off the Industrial Revolution. The Hubbert Peak holds, although coming out the other side of it resembles a gradual stepping-downward with its own local spikes and valleys (much as there are spikes and valleys in growth and use now, despite a steady upward trend). Fossil fuels still supply over three quarters of the world’s energy demand; there hasn’t been a nuclear renaissance so far and as much as someone always wants to boost pebble bed, travelling-wave or thorium reactors, innovation and growth for nuclear both seem quite limited on the balance. That might not seem like a big deal now (surely it could happen, right?) but what if that situation does not change appreciably, and world civilization starts transiting down the other side of of the curve, taking a few centuries to do it? What if we never do figure out FAI, or MNT, or fusion, or whatnot? What if that’s because the noise of society, geopolitics and history-in-general just don’t allow for them to come to pass?
What if the the answer to Fermi’s paradox is simply “You’d have to mistake the infrastructural equivalent of a blood sugar rush for an inexorable trend in technological development to even wonder why nobody’s zipping around in relativistic spacecraft or building Dyson spheres?” What if the problem is just short time horizons and poor understanding of context?
What if the the answer to Fermi’s paradox is simply “You’d have to mistake the infrastructural equivalent of a blood sugar rush for an inexorable trend in technological development to even wonder why nobody’s zipping around in relativistic spacecraft or building Dyson spheres?” What if the problem is just short time horizons and poor understanding of context?
This. I’ve been searching for a way to articulate this idea for quite some time, and this is the best way I’ve seen it stated.
The last few centuries are potentially extremely atypical in human history. We have three generations of economists raised on exponentiation to think it is normal, and a series of technological advances that almost all require highly concentrated energy in ways that are seldom appreciated. When you think about it too, it would appear that something like an oil well is the most concentrated source of easily captured energy in the solar system—where else do you get such a huge amount of highly reduced matter next to such highly oxidized gas? With the interface between them requiring something as simple as a drill and furnace? Per unit of infrastructure and effort that is an incredible resource that I honestly doubt you can really improve upon. I have long suspected that reversion towards (through perhaps not all the way to) the mean is far more likely in our future.
This. I’ve been searching for a way to articulate this idea for quite some time, and this is the best way I’ve seen it stated.
Thank you. It’s still a bit indistinct to me as yet—I haven’t seen many other people talking about it in these terms, except Karl Schroeder (who explores it a bit in his science fiction writing), but I knew something seemed a little funny when the Rare Earth Hypothesis and its pop-sci cousins started growing in popularity among the transhumanist set. It seems like an awful lot of the background ideas about the Fermi Paradox and its implications for anthropics in the core cluster that LW shares go back to an intellectual movement that came to prominence at a time before we’d discovered more than a tiny handful of exoplanets. Now we know there’s at least one Earth-sized world around Alpha bloody Centauri and even Tau Ceti of all stars is being proposed as rich in worlds; at this rate I personally expect to learn about the probable existence of another biosphere around a star within 100 ly, within my natural lifetime (though, for the reasons expressed in my comment, I’m doubtful we’d be able to reliably notice another civilization unless they signalled semi-deliberately or we got staggeringly lucky and they have a recognizably-similar fossil fuel “spike” within a similar window, meaning we can catch the light of cities on the night side assuming Sufficiently Powerful Telescopes).
I have long suspected that reversion towards (through perhaps not all the way to) the mean is far more likely in our future.
nod I suspect the future probably looks rather weird to LWian eyes, in this regard—neither a reversion to the 10th or 17th century for the rest of human existence, nor much like the most common conceptions of it here (namely: UFAI-driven apocalypse vs FAI-driven technorapture). It’s hard to tease out the threads that seem most relevant to my budding picture of things, but they look something like: increasing efficiency where it’s possible, a gradual net reduction in the stuff economists have been watching grow for the last few generations, some decidedly weirdtopian adaptations in lifestyle that I can only guess at… we’ve learned so much about automation, efficiency, logistics and soforth and it seems like there’s plenty of time to learn a great deal more, such that my brain tries to conjure up visions of a low-energy but surprisingly smart future infrastructure where the world is big again.
Now we know there’s at least one Earth-sized world around Alpha bloody Centauri and even Tau Ceti of all stars is being proposed as rich in worlds; at this rate I personally expect to learn about the probable existence of another biosphere around a star within 100 ly, within my natural lifetime
I think the jury is still out on this… on the one hand we are finding huge numbers of planets, and it is likely that our sampling biases are what push us towards finding all these big “super-earths” close to their parent stars (I take issue with that terminology, calling something something of ~5 earth masses ‘potentially habitable’ or even ‘terrestrial’ is problematic because we have no experience with planets of that size range in our system and you can’t confidently state that most things with that mass would actually necessarily have a surface resembling a rock-to-liquid/gas transition). On the other hand we are finding so many systems that look nothing like ours with compact orbits and arrangements that probably could not have formed that way and thus went through a period of destructive chaos, suggesting that the stability of our system could be an anomaly. I’m waiting on the full several years of Kepler data that should actually be able to detect earth-radius planets at a full AU or so from a star, until then there seem to be too many variables.
though, for the reasons expressed in my comment, I’m doubtful we’d be able to reliably notice another civilization unless they signalled semi-deliberately or we got staggeringly lucky and they have a recognizably-similar fossil fuel “spike” within a similar window, meaning we can catch the light of cities on the night side assuming Sufficiently Powerful Telescopes
I mostly agree. I actually find the ‘great silence’ not particularly puzzling—the only things we have reliably excluded are things like star system scale engineering, and massive radio beacons that either put out large percentages of a planet’s solar input out in the form of omnidirectional radio or ping millions of nearby stars with directional beams on a regular basis. When you consider the vast space of options where such grand things don’t happen, for reasons other than annihilation, you get a different picture. We couldn’t detect our own omnidirectional radiation more than a fraction of a light-year away, and new technologies are actually decreasing it of late. And how many directional messages have we sent out explicitly aimed at other star systems? A dozen? And they would need directional antennas to be picked up. What are the odds that two points in space that don’t know of each other’s existence would first have one point their message in the right direction, and then have the second one look in the correct direction at the right time? Even if you assume there are many thousands of sources in our galaxy (which I think could be a wild overestimate filter or no given the history of terrestrial life), that puts the nearest one hundreds of light years away in a volume containing millions of stars. Even if they have an order of magnitude or three more effort being put out into sending messages, that still isn’t much given the sheer volume. A full galaxy just wouldn’t look different from an empty one to beings like us that have been looking less than a century, if the proposed grand destiny of intelligent life proves to be a ‘sugar rush’ even in the absence of reversion to the mean. (Such a reversion would pretty well certainly still include radio in our toolkit or the toolkit of whoever else was smart enough to figure out electrodynamics, so such a civilization could still be detectable—although what a reversion could lack is the concentrated wealth to build and maintain lots of fifty meter dishes and use them for, effectively, stargazing.)
I suspect the future probably looks rather weird to LWian eyes, in this regard—neither a reversion to the 10th or 17th century for the rest of human existence, nor much like the most common conceptions of it here (namely: UFAI-driven apocalypse vs FAI-driven technorapture).
I would say what it is most likely to resemble is, simply, history. Civilizations rise and fall over centuries (not overnight!) and ours is probably no exception, even if the endpoint might not be as low as past troughs. There are eras of prosperity and eras of destitution, different in different parts of the world as power structures and ecologies shift. Technologies appear, some of them stick around essentialy forever after they are invented and others, like steam heat and clockwork and factories exporting across an entire continent in ancient Rome, get lost when the context that produced them changes. Most eras produce something new that they can pass on usefully to the future, though what they produce that can be perpetuated in a different context would often be unexpected to those in that era.
Earth has a conveniently oxidizing atmosphere in which hydrocarbons burn easily, but not so oxidizing that it prevents stable carbon-based life. Quite a narrow window, really.
The limiting oxygen concentration for most woods is between 14% and 18%. The Earth oxygen concentration is a little over 20% so it does look close. But this is slightly misleading: All that oxygen showed up because carbon based life was releasing it from water and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. Oxygen using life only showed up after there were dangerously high levels of oxygen. And if the oxygen levels get very high then the photosynthesizers will start to get poisoned and the percentage will go down. So it isn’t really likely to have an atmosphere with so much oxygen that it is a problem for carbon life.
But yes, certainly an equilibrium with less oxygen is plausible in which case fire would be close to impossible even if the percentage dropped by only a small amount.
I think it’s pretty clear that for broad definitions of life, you need carbon or something heavier. It’s possible you could substitute boron, but I don’t think you can get boron by any process that won’t produce carbon as well. You almost certainly need both reducing and oxidizing agents, which means oxygen and hydrogen as the lightest options. There have been proposals of exotic life chemistries, but all the serious ones I’ve seen substitute heavier atoms like silicon.
The more interesting question is whether you can build more complex life without all the trace elements used on earth. For example, there are plenty of bacteria and fungi that have much lower dependence on heavier metals than multicellular life does, and some simpler multicellular organisms need less than humans do. My unfounded hunch is that you need something that can play the role of phosphorous as an energy carrier, and that it would be hard to find that in just CHON structures. On the other hand, it’s possible that even a really poor substitute would offer enough for life to arise, even if it was inefficient, slow, and fragile compared to life on earth: there would be no stronger threat from other life using phosphorous.
The next question is whether metal-poor planets can produce a technological civilization. How important is metalworking in our history? Can you substitute something else for it? Can you get a spacefaring or radio-capable civilization without metals for magnets, wires, and electronics? There are alternatives like organic conductors and semiconductors, but are those accessible without the intervening metals stage? Just how metal-poor are these planets, anyway? Would it be like iron, copper, aluminum, and tin being only as available as, say, nickel is on Earth? Or is silver or gold a more appropriate comparison? Or even rarer than that? Or are they present, but not concentrated into usable deposits?
I feel like I don’t know enough about the detailed makeup of these planets to give even a qualitative answer to your question. I’m not sure anyone knows enough about what is required for life to give a good answer. More data about the planets in question will clearly be helpful.
Could the great filter just be a case of anthropic bias?
Assume any interplanetary species will colonise everything within reasonable distance in a time-scale significantly shorter than it takes a new intelligent species to emerge.
If a species had colonised our planet their presence would have prevented our evolution as an intelligent species.
Therefore we shouldn’t expect to see any evidence of other species.
So the universe could be teeming with intelligent life, and theres no good reason there can’t be any near us, but if there were we would not have existed. Hence we don’t see any.
This is an interesting idea but I think it doesn’t work. Say for example that another species starts 200 million light years away and is spreading a colonization wave at .5 which is a pretty extreme value. Then one should have at least 400 million years to notice that. And it is going to be pretty hard to do a fast colonization wave without some astronomically detectable signs. Reducing the colonization speed makes it less likely to be detected but increases the time span.
It seems no less plausible that what spreads outward at a sizable fraction of lightspeed is a wave of “terraforming” agents, altering all planets in the neighborhood into more suitable colony planets. Meanwhile colonization spreads at a rate roughly bounded by the ratio of reproduction rate to death rate, which might well be significantly slower than that.
That scenario would be enough to ensure that if an intelligent species evolves, it is necessarily far from any spreading interstellar empire (since otherwise the terraforming agents would have destroyed it), without having to posit such a fast colonization wave.
That said, though, why assume that a colonization wave is astronomically detectable? Being detectable at this range with our instruments is surely an indication of wasting rather an enormous amount of energy that could instead be put to use by a sufficiently advanced technology, no?
That said, though, why assume that a colonization wave is astronomically detectable? Being detectable at this range with our instruments is surely an indication of wasting rather an enormous amount of energy that could instead be put to use by a sufficiently advanced technology, no?
Waste heat is one thing there’s not much one can do about. Even a Dyson sphere will have it. In the case of Dyson spheres there have been active attempts to find them. See here although some other work suggests that Dyson spheres are just not that likely(pdf). Most largescale engineering projects will leave a recognizable signature. In this example, systematic searches have only been done out a few hundred light years, but stellar engineering is in the more blunt forms noticeable even at an intergalactic level.
Moreover, many ship designs lead to detectable results. For example, large fusion torch drives have a known sort of signature that we’ve looked for and haven’t found.
Several times more planets could increase the probability of a distant civilization several times, at the most. That is not a lot, if the initial probability is already tiny.
A rocky planet with no metals have a much weaker magnetic field. A civilization without iron and other metals is more difficult as well. Without heavy radioactive isotopes, volcanoes and tectonics is also different or non existent.
May be some other factors, not all against aliens.
Astronomers use metal to mean elements other than hydrogen and helium. Metals in the chemists sense of the word aren’t in general necessary. A lot of life is pure CHONPS. However, most complex life involves some amount of metals in the chemical sense (most animals require both iron and selenium for example). And planets which are of low metalicity in the astronomical sense will be necessarily be of extremely low metal content in the chemical sense, since in order to get the actual metals other than just lithium and beryllium require extensive synthesis chains before one gets to them.
Astronomers use metal to mean elements other than hydrogen and helium.
Wow, Astronomers are lazy. It’s not hard to make up new terms for things when the existing ones clearly don’t fit. Heck, if making up a word was too difficult they could have used an arbitrary acronym.
Well, when most of what they have to work with is hydrogen, a whiff of helium, and a tiny smattering of literally everything else ever, it’s kinda hard to blame ’em. ;p
Not really. If you look at a periodic table, the vast majority actually are metals.
The vast majority are metals, and saying they all are is wrong (except in as much as authority within the clique is able to redefine such things). It’s also distasteful and lazy to formalise the misuse. I’d be embarassed if I were an astronomer.
Well, Wiktionary claims “metal” used to mean “to mine” a few thousand years ago, so I can’t blame them that much. The astronomers at least didn’t mess up the pronunciation again :-)
Yes, a planet around an old star should raise the odds of old, hence, metal-poor planets, but how much? Old stars have plenty of time to do other things to acquire planets, such as stealing them or creating them while passing through metal-rich nebulas. Can we directly measure the composition of this planet?
In the particular case I linked to, there are two planets around the same star. It is extremely unlikely to pick up multiple planets from floating rogues. As to metal rich nebulas, my understanding is that they aren’t that dense so wouldn’t do much. And at least if that had occurred, we’d likely see the star having higher metal content as well. In this case the iron content of the star is slightly under a tenth as common as it for the sun, and many other metals have more extreme ratios.
It is extremely unlikely to pick up multiple planets from floating rogues.
Do you have any support for that statement? (I’m not arguing, just curious how does one go about estimating the frequency of planetary capture given what I thought to be very little data.)
Planetary capture is low. For multiple capture events the probabilities are independent (this isn’t quite true, there are some complicating factors but this is very close to true), so the probability of capturing two is roughly the square of capturing a single one, which is estimated as around 3-6% under generous conditions(rogue planet numbers at least equal to the number of stars). So no more than around 1 in every 288 planets should have a double capture event, and the likely number is much lower than that. With around 700 known planetary systems, the chance that a given one is in this category is low, but that number isn’t as important since what needs to be asked is whether it is more likely that they’ve formed around the star or that multiple captures occurred. Note also if one assumes 3% rather than 6% then one gets around 1 in every 1100 planets which means we shouldn’t have even seen any examples. And if one thinks that the rogue planet percentage is lower than 1-1, all of this drops quite quickly.
A related issue is that if the first capture is in a somewhat stable orbit elliptical orbit, the introduction of another somewhat similar size body in orbit can destabilize the first making it get flung out of system, so once the second capture event occurs there’s a chance one will lose the first planet.
I don’t have a reference off-hand, but this is pretty standard logic to the point where multiple capture events as an explanation for strange systems is generally not often considered compared to deciding that it indicates our models are wrong.
ETA: Some of this logic is severely off. I just remembered that more recent estimates drastically increase the number of rogue planets floating around. See e.g. here so the 6% may in fact be an underestimate, in which case multiple capture planets becomes a much more plausible explanation. I don’t know then why it isn’t considered frequently other than the last issue of one capture possibly kicking another planet out of system but that shouldn’t change things by more than a small factor.
Hi Joshua, thanks for answering. Quick follow-up question: how come only “rogue” planets are mentioned in these arguments? (Well, it makes sense for studies about rogue planets, but it seems to happen even in discussions explicitly about captured planets, your comment being an example.) Can’t planets be “exchanged directly” between closely-passing stars? (I mean, without the exchanged planet spending a long time unbound to a solar system, in a sort of larger-scale analogue of close binaries exchanging envelope matter.)
I imagine close encounters are rare in general, but given the large number of binary and multiple-star systems that we seem to see everywhere, and my (admittedly vague) recollections of some rather tight clusters of stars with complicated/chaotic dynamics, it seems like it should be feasible (even common) for stars to exchange planets early (while they’re still part of a young cluster or complex multi-star system, and they interact closely) and then separate taking with them “stolen” planets (my understanding was that a significant fraction of stars in young clusters acquire high velocities and are “evaporated” away from their birth cluster, especially in “tight” clusters). Are the interaction time-frames incompatible with that kind of scenario or something?
how come only “rogue” planets are mentioned in these arguments? (Well, it makes sense for studies about rogue planets, but it seems to happen even in discussions explicitly about captured planets, your comment being an example.) Can’t planets be “exchanged directly” between closely-passing stars? (I mean, without the exchanged planet spending a long time unbound to a solar system, in a sort of larger-scale analogue of close binaries exchanging envelope matter.)
Yes, they can happen. But my understanding is that exchange isn’t a likely result of system interaction whereas losing a planet (that is a planet getting sent out of orbit) is much more likely a result than exchange. But this is pushing the limits of my knowledge base in this area.
I find it hard to even take the idea of the Great Filter seriously, given that we don’t have a good definition of what life, let alone intelligent life, is. Generalizing from one example is not very productive.
One doesn’t need much in the way of definitions here to see the problem. The essential problem is that we don’t see anything out there that all shows a sign of intelligence. No major stellar engineering, etc. The fact that intelligent life and life may have fuzzy borders doesn’t enter into that arrangement much. If you want to to really be careful, you can talk about a version of the Filter that applies to life similar to our own. For our purposes, that’s about as worrisome.
you can talk about a version of the Filter that applies to life similar to our own
You can, but it’s pointless, unless you think that “life similar to our own” has a significant chance of arising independently of ours. The argument “we are here, so it stand to reason that someone like us would evolve elsewhere” is the generalization from one example (and also a failure of imagination) that I am so dubious about. I see no reason to believe that even given a more or less exact replica of the Solar system (or a billion of such replicas scattered around the Galaxy or the Universe) there will arise even a single instance of what we would recognize as intelligence. This may change if we ever find some non-Earth-originated lifeform. (Go, Curiosity!) Until then, the notion of the Great Filter is just some idle chat.
The argument “we are here, so it stand to reason that someone like us would evolve elsewhere” is the generalization from one example (and also a failure of imagination) that I am so dubious about
So in a nutshell in the framework of standard discussions about Fermi issues and the Filter one would just say that one heavy filtration step is that intelligent life as we know it seems unlikely to arise.
It has become increasingly clear over the last year or so that planets can in fact form around highly metal poor stars. Example planet. This both increases the total number of planets to expect and increase the chance that planets formed around the very oldest stars. (Younger stars have higher metal content). One argument against Great Filter concerns is that it might be that life cannot arise much younger than it did on Earth because stars much older than our sun would not have high metal content. This seems to seriously undermine this argument.
How much should this do to our estimates for whether to expect heavy Filtration in front of us? My immediate reaction is that it does make future filtration more likely but not by much since even if planets could form, a lack of carbon and other heavier elements would still make formation of life and its evolution into complicated creatures difficult. Is this analysis accurate?
I have a Great Filter related thought which doesn’t address your question directly but, hey, it’s the Open Thread.
My thesis here is that the presence of abundant fossil energy on earth is the primary thing that has enabled our technological civilization, and abundant fossil energy may be far less common than intelligent life.
On top of all the other qualities of Earth which allowed it to host its profusion of life, I’ll point out a few more facts related specifically to fossil energy, which I haven’t seen in any discussions of Fermi’s Paradox or the Great Filter.
Life on Earth happens to be carbon-based, and carbon-based life, when heated in an anoxic environment, turns into oil, gas and coal.
Earth is roughly 2⁄3 covered in oceans (this figure has varied over geologic time), a fact with significant consequences to deposition of dead algae, erosion, and sedimentation.
Earth possesses a mass, size, and age such that the temperature a few kilometers below the surface may be hundreds of degrees C, while the surface temperature remains “Goldilocks.”
Earth has a conveniently oxidizing atmosphere in which hydrocarbons burn easily, but not so oxidizing that it prevents stable carbon-based life. Quite a narrow window, really.
Life has existed on Earth for billions of years, and thus algae and other life forms have been dying in oceans and swamps and accumulating subsurface hydrocarbon source material, for billions of years.
Put all this together and realize that the formation of oil, gas, and coal happens only in rare and specific circumstances even on Earth. We seem to have a lot of these resources today, but it took billions of years for them to accumulate in the quantities we now find.
If any one of the above facts were not true, we would not have fossil energy—coal, oil, gas, plastics, lubricants—we would not have an industrial revolution, and we would not have a technological civilization.
Many of the facts on the above list have to be true simply to enable fire, as in, wood fire, imagine what human history would look like if the oxygen content of Earth’s atmosphere was too low to sustain wood fire?
Anyways, maybe people have discussed this before, but I wasn’t able to Google anything up.
The oxidizing atmosphere is not due to chance. It was created by early life that exhaled oxygen, and killed off its neighbors that couldn’t handle it. Hence, I don’t think the goldilocks oxygen levels speak much to great filter questions.
Early in civilization, we used wood and charcoal as energy sources. Blacksmithing and cast iron were originally done with wood charcoal. Cast iron is a very important tool in our history of machine tools and hence the industrial revolution. It’s possible that we could have carried on without coal, instead using large-scale forestry management or other biomass as our energy source. In the early 1700s there were already environmental concerns about deforestation. They were more related to continued supply of wood for charcoal and hunting grounds than “ecological” concerns, but there were still laws and regulations enacted to deal with the problem.
How many people do we need to support a high-tech civilization? I suspect fewer than we tried it with. It’s quite possible that biofuel sources would have produced a high tech civilization, just slower and with fewer people.
Also, note that biofuels can produce all the lubricants and plastics you need just fine. The Fischer-Tropsch process has been implemented on a large scale before.
I think that given all this, you could get the modern metal lathe and the steam engine without fossil fuels. We already harnessed basic water and wind power without fossil fuels. I suspect with modern machine tools you get to electricity and large-scale water and wind power generation, even without fossil fuels. Again, more slowly, and possibly without so many people, but I think you can get there.
These are all good points and I don’t disagree with you. It probably is worth pointing out that ever since about 1800 our civilization has had “the pedal to the metal” in terms of accelerating our demand for energy, i.e. an exponential rise in energy demand, and that demand has been consistently met and often exceeded—this is why we can afford to fill our personal cars with this precious fuel on a regular basis.
I think that a sufficiently forward-thinking civilization probably could base its energy production around biofuels, but a gallon of gasoline-equivalent would probably cost about a thousand dollars-equivalent. Building a skyscraper would be a project akin to manned space flight. Manned space flight would be completely out of the realm of possibility.
The more important question would be how hard it would be to get nuclear energy.
I find this doubtful, being as ethanol (25 MJ/L) is nowhere near that expensive to create, and is fairly near the energy density of gasoline (35 MJ/L).
Consider the entire economy, though. Let’s not assume that ethanol could ever replace fossil fuels at the scale needed for explosive technological growth. the reason pure ethanol is cheap in the modern world is because we have enormous economies of scale producing the necessary feedstocks which rely on trucks and trains and fertilizers, hell, even the energy used to distill the ethanol is typically from fossil fuel.
It’s about supply-demand. If, tomorrow, there were no gasoline anymore, the price of ethanol would be astronomical.
Note, though, that we are talking about much smaller population—so you could spend quite a lot of land per capita on growing both ethanol source and fuel.
Current size of humankind is clearly unsustainable in this mode, of course.
With a much smaller population you start losing all sorts of other advantages, especially economies of scale and comparative advantage.
Careful. Economies of scale for quantity million parts don’t show up until probably the 20th century. Prior to that, the effect of reduced population size might just be reduced variety. Do you have any idea how many manufacturers of engine lathes there were at the end of the 19th century, for instance? (Hint: more than a couple.)
Actually, the neighbors that couldn’t handle oxygen got forced underground. They live in the mud under the deep sea, in digestive tracts, etc.
Well, some of their descendants are still alive, yes. But I believe that there was a lot of dying involved in that process. More than I think is implied by the phrase “forced underground”.
Well, one point is that supposedly there were a lot of societal factors that also had to be in place for the industrial revolution to take place. (Apparently if you lived anywhere but Britain, if you were doing anything cool, the ruling monarch would come along and just take it.) So it’s not necessarily just tech.
Another point is that Earth appears to have periodic ice ages, and many/most human civilizations seem to collapse after a while. So sustaining progress over long periods is nontrivial.
Environmental ones too. Britain had to be so short of wood and charcoal to burn that using coal in home stoves, even with its nasty byproducts, was preferably to most people going without any source of burnable fuel. The widespread proliferation of coal that followed to meet the demand meant there was plenty of it about to turn to other purposes.
Frankly, I’m wondering if the whole idea of exponential growth is just short cultural time horizons applied to the implications of fossil fuels for energy production, which touched off the Industrial Revolution. The Hubbert Peak holds, although coming out the other side of it resembles a gradual stepping-downward with its own local spikes and valleys (much as there are spikes and valleys in growth and use now, despite a steady upward trend). Fossil fuels still supply over three quarters of the world’s energy demand; there hasn’t been a nuclear renaissance so far and as much as someone always wants to boost pebble bed, travelling-wave or thorium reactors, innovation and growth for nuclear both seem quite limited on the balance. That might not seem like a big deal now (surely it could happen, right?) but what if that situation does not change appreciably, and world civilization starts transiting down the other side of of the curve, taking a few centuries to do it? What if we never do figure out FAI, or MNT, or fusion, or whatnot? What if that’s because the noise of society, geopolitics and history-in-general just don’t allow for them to come to pass?
What if the the answer to Fermi’s paradox is simply “You’d have to mistake the infrastructural equivalent of a blood sugar rush for an inexorable trend in technological development to even wonder why nobody’s zipping around in relativistic spacecraft or building Dyson spheres?” What if the problem is just short time horizons and poor understanding of context?
This. I’ve been searching for a way to articulate this idea for quite some time, and this is the best way I’ve seen it stated.
The last few centuries are potentially extremely atypical in human history. We have three generations of economists raised on exponentiation to think it is normal, and a series of technological advances that almost all require highly concentrated energy in ways that are seldom appreciated. When you think about it too, it would appear that something like an oil well is the most concentrated source of easily captured energy in the solar system—where else do you get such a huge amount of highly reduced matter next to such highly oxidized gas? With the interface between them requiring something as simple as a drill and furnace? Per unit of infrastructure and effort that is an incredible resource that I honestly doubt you can really improve upon. I have long suspected that reversion towards (through perhaps not all the way to) the mean is far more likely in our future.
Thank you. It’s still a bit indistinct to me as yet—I haven’t seen many other people talking about it in these terms, except Karl Schroeder (who explores it a bit in his science fiction writing), but I knew something seemed a little funny when the Rare Earth Hypothesis and its pop-sci cousins started growing in popularity among the transhumanist set. It seems like an awful lot of the background ideas about the Fermi Paradox and its implications for anthropics in the core cluster that LW shares go back to an intellectual movement that came to prominence at a time before we’d discovered more than a tiny handful of exoplanets. Now we know there’s at least one Earth-sized world around Alpha bloody Centauri and even Tau Ceti of all stars is being proposed as rich in worlds; at this rate I personally expect to learn about the probable existence of another biosphere around a star within 100 ly, within my natural lifetime (though, for the reasons expressed in my comment, I’m doubtful we’d be able to reliably notice another civilization unless they signalled semi-deliberately or we got staggeringly lucky and they have a recognizably-similar fossil fuel “spike” within a similar window, meaning we can catch the light of cities on the night side assuming Sufficiently Powerful Telescopes).
nod I suspect the future probably looks rather weird to LWian eyes, in this regard—neither a reversion to the 10th or 17th century for the rest of human existence, nor much like the most common conceptions of it here (namely: UFAI-driven apocalypse vs FAI-driven technorapture). It’s hard to tease out the threads that seem most relevant to my budding picture of things, but they look something like: increasing efficiency where it’s possible, a gradual net reduction in the stuff economists have been watching grow for the last few generations, some decidedly weirdtopian adaptations in lifestyle that I can only guess at… we’ve learned so much about automation, efficiency, logistics and soforth and it seems like there’s plenty of time to learn a great deal more, such that my brain tries to conjure up visions of a low-energy but surprisingly smart future infrastructure where the world is big again.
I think the jury is still out on this… on the one hand we are finding huge numbers of planets, and it is likely that our sampling biases are what push us towards finding all these big “super-earths” close to their parent stars (I take issue with that terminology, calling something something of ~5 earth masses ‘potentially habitable’ or even ‘terrestrial’ is problematic because we have no experience with planets of that size range in our system and you can’t confidently state that most things with that mass would actually necessarily have a surface resembling a rock-to-liquid/gas transition). On the other hand we are finding so many systems that look nothing like ours with compact orbits and arrangements that probably could not have formed that way and thus went through a period of destructive chaos, suggesting that the stability of our system could be an anomaly. I’m waiting on the full several years of Kepler data that should actually be able to detect earth-radius planets at a full AU or so from a star, until then there seem to be too many variables.
I mostly agree. I actually find the ‘great silence’ not particularly puzzling—the only things we have reliably excluded are things like star system scale engineering, and massive radio beacons that either put out large percentages of a planet’s solar input out in the form of omnidirectional radio or ping millions of nearby stars with directional beams on a regular basis. When you consider the vast space of options where such grand things don’t happen, for reasons other than annihilation, you get a different picture. We couldn’t detect our own omnidirectional radiation more than a fraction of a light-year away, and new technologies are actually decreasing it of late. And how many directional messages have we sent out explicitly aimed at other star systems? A dozen? And they would need directional antennas to be picked up. What are the odds that two points in space that don’t know of each other’s existence would first have one point their message in the right direction, and then have the second one look in the correct direction at the right time? Even if you assume there are many thousands of sources in our galaxy (which I think could be a wild overestimate filter or no given the history of terrestrial life), that puts the nearest one hundreds of light years away in a volume containing millions of stars. Even if they have an order of magnitude or three more effort being put out into sending messages, that still isn’t much given the sheer volume. A full galaxy just wouldn’t look different from an empty one to beings like us that have been looking less than a century, if the proposed grand destiny of intelligent life proves to be a ‘sugar rush’ even in the absence of reversion to the mean. (Such a reversion would pretty well certainly still include radio in our toolkit or the toolkit of whoever else was smart enough to figure out electrodynamics, so such a civilization could still be detectable—although what a reversion could lack is the concentrated wealth to build and maintain lots of fifty meter dishes and use them for, effectively, stargazing.)
I would say what it is most likely to resemble is, simply, history. Civilizations rise and fall over centuries (not overnight!) and ours is probably no exception, even if the endpoint might not be as low as past troughs. There are eras of prosperity and eras of destitution, different in different parts of the world as power structures and ecologies shift. Technologies appear, some of them stick around essentialy forever after they are invented and others, like steam heat and clockwork and factories exporting across an entire continent in ancient Rome, get lost when the context that produced them changes. Most eras produce something new that they can pass on usefully to the future, though what they produce that can be perpetuated in a different context would often be unexpected to those in that era.
The limiting oxygen concentration for most woods is between 14% and 18%. The Earth oxygen concentration is a little over 20% so it does look close. But this is slightly misleading: All that oxygen showed up because carbon based life was releasing it from water and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. Oxygen using life only showed up after there were dangerously high levels of oxygen. And if the oxygen levels get very high then the photosynthesizers will start to get poisoned and the percentage will go down. So it isn’t really likely to have an atmosphere with so much oxygen that it is a problem for carbon life.
But yes, certainly an equilibrium with less oxygen is plausible in which case fire would be close to impossible even if the percentage dropped by only a small amount.
I think it’s pretty clear that for broad definitions of life, you need carbon or something heavier. It’s possible you could substitute boron, but I don’t think you can get boron by any process that won’t produce carbon as well. You almost certainly need both reducing and oxidizing agents, which means oxygen and hydrogen as the lightest options. There have been proposals of exotic life chemistries, but all the serious ones I’ve seen substitute heavier atoms like silicon.
The more interesting question is whether you can build more complex life without all the trace elements used on earth. For example, there are plenty of bacteria and fungi that have much lower dependence on heavier metals than multicellular life does, and some simpler multicellular organisms need less than humans do. My unfounded hunch is that you need something that can play the role of phosphorous as an energy carrier, and that it would be hard to find that in just CHON structures. On the other hand, it’s possible that even a really poor substitute would offer enough for life to arise, even if it was inefficient, slow, and fragile compared to life on earth: there would be no stronger threat from other life using phosphorous.
The next question is whether metal-poor planets can produce a technological civilization. How important is metalworking in our history? Can you substitute something else for it? Can you get a spacefaring or radio-capable civilization without metals for magnets, wires, and electronics? There are alternatives like organic conductors and semiconductors, but are those accessible without the intervening metals stage? Just how metal-poor are these planets, anyway? Would it be like iron, copper, aluminum, and tin being only as available as, say, nickel is on Earth? Or is silver or gold a more appropriate comparison? Or even rarer than that? Or are they present, but not concentrated into usable deposits?
I feel like I don’t know enough about the detailed makeup of these planets to give even a qualitative answer to your question. I’m not sure anyone knows enough about what is required for life to give a good answer. More data about the planets in question will clearly be helpful.
Another great filter related question I posted a while ago but didn’t get much response to:
Could the great filter just be a case of anthropic bias?
Assume any interplanetary species will colonise everything within reasonable distance in a time-scale significantly shorter than it takes a new intelligent species to emerge.
If a species had colonised our planet their presence would have prevented our evolution as an intelligent species.
Therefore we shouldn’t expect to see any evidence of other species.
So the universe could be teeming with intelligent life, and theres no good reason there can’t be any near us, but if there were we would not have existed. Hence we don’t see any.
This is an interesting idea but I think it doesn’t work. Say for example that another species starts 200 million light years away and is spreading a colonization wave at .5 which is a pretty extreme value. Then one should have at least 400 million years to notice that. And it is going to be pretty hard to do a fast colonization wave without some astronomically detectable signs. Reducing the colonization speed makes it less likely to be detected but increases the time span.
It seems no less plausible that what spreads outward at a sizable fraction of lightspeed is a wave of “terraforming” agents, altering all planets in the neighborhood into more suitable colony planets. Meanwhile colonization spreads at a rate roughly bounded by the ratio of reproduction rate to death rate, which might well be significantly slower than that.
That scenario would be enough to ensure that if an intelligent species evolves, it is necessarily far from any spreading interstellar empire (since otherwise the terraforming agents would have destroyed it), without having to posit such a fast colonization wave.
That said, though, why assume that a colonization wave is astronomically detectable? Being detectable at this range with our instruments is surely an indication of wasting rather an enormous amount of energy that could instead be put to use by a sufficiently advanced technology, no?
Waste heat is one thing there’s not much one can do about. Even a Dyson sphere will have it. In the case of Dyson spheres there have been active attempts to find them. See here although some other work suggests that Dyson spheres are just not that likely(pdf). Most largescale engineering projects will leave a recognizable signature. In this example, systematic searches have only been done out a few hundred light years, but stellar engineering is in the more blunt forms noticeable even at an intergalactic level.
Moreover, many ship designs lead to detectable results. For example, large fusion torch drives have a known sort of signature that we’ve looked for and haven’t found.
Several times more planets could increase the probability of a distant civilization several times, at the most. That is not a lot, if the initial probability is already tiny.
A rocky planet with no metals have a much weaker magnetic field. A civilization without iron and other metals is more difficult as well. Without heavy radioactive isotopes, volcanoes and tectonics is also different or non existent.
May be some other factors, not all against aliens.
Are there any metals necessary for life?
Astronomers use metal to mean elements other than hydrogen and helium. Metals in the chemists sense of the word aren’t in general necessary. A lot of life is pure CHONPS. However, most complex life involves some amount of metals in the chemical sense (most animals require both iron and selenium for example). And planets which are of low metalicity in the astronomical sense will be necessarily be of extremely low metal content in the chemical sense, since in order to get the actual metals other than just lithium and beryllium require extensive synthesis chains before one gets to them.
Thanks for the clarification!
Wow, Astronomers are lazy. It’s not hard to make up new terms for things when the existing ones clearly don’t fit. Heck, if making up a word was too difficult they could have used an arbitrary acronym.
Well, when most of what they have to work with is hydrogen, a whiff of helium, and a tiny smattering of literally everything else ever, it’s kinda hard to blame ’em. ;p
Not really. If you look at a periodic table, the vast majority actually are metals.
The vast majority are metals, and saying they all are is wrong (except in as much as authority within the clique is able to redefine such things). It’s also distasteful and lazy to formalise the misuse. I’d be embarassed if I were an astronomer.
Well, Wiktionary claims “metal” used to mean “to mine” a few thousand years ago, so I can’t blame them that much. The astronomers at least didn’t mess up the pronunciation again :-)
Yes, a planet around an old star should raise the odds of old, hence, metal-poor planets, but how much? Old stars have plenty of time to do other things to acquire planets, such as stealing them or creating them while passing through metal-rich nebulas. Can we directly measure the composition of this planet?
In the particular case I linked to, there are two planets around the same star. It is extremely unlikely to pick up multiple planets from floating rogues. As to metal rich nebulas, my understanding is that they aren’t that dense so wouldn’t do much. And at least if that had occurred, we’d likely see the star having higher metal content as well. In this case the iron content of the star is slightly under a tenth as common as it for the sun, and many other metals have more extreme ratios.
Do you have any support for that statement? (I’m not arguing, just curious how does one go about estimating the frequency of planetary capture given what I thought to be very little data.)
Planetary capture is low. For multiple capture events the probabilities are independent (this isn’t quite true, there are some complicating factors but this is very close to true), so the probability of capturing two is roughly the square of capturing a single one, which is estimated as around 3-6% under generous conditions(rogue planet numbers at least equal to the number of stars). So no more than around 1 in every 288 planets should have a double capture event, and the likely number is much lower than that. With around 700 known planetary systems, the chance that a given one is in this category is low, but that number isn’t as important since what needs to be asked is whether it is more likely that they’ve formed around the star or that multiple captures occurred. Note also if one assumes 3% rather than 6% then one gets around 1 in every 1100 planets which means we shouldn’t have even seen any examples. And if one thinks that the rogue planet percentage is lower than 1-1, all of this drops quite quickly.
A related issue is that if the first capture is in a somewhat stable orbit elliptical orbit, the introduction of another somewhat similar size body in orbit can destabilize the first making it get flung out of system, so once the second capture event occurs there’s a chance one will lose the first planet.
I don’t have a reference off-hand, but this is pretty standard logic to the point where multiple capture events as an explanation for strange systems is generally not often considered compared to deciding that it indicates our models are wrong.
ETA: Some of this logic is severely off. I just remembered that more recent estimates drastically increase the number of rogue planets floating around. See e.g. here so the 6% may in fact be an underestimate, in which case multiple capture planets becomes a much more plausible explanation. I don’t know then why it isn’t considered frequently other than the last issue of one capture possibly kicking another planet out of system but that shouldn’t change things by more than a small factor.
Hi Joshua, thanks for answering. Quick follow-up question: how come only “rogue” planets are mentioned in these arguments? (Well, it makes sense for studies about rogue planets, but it seems to happen even in discussions explicitly about captured planets, your comment being an example.) Can’t planets be “exchanged directly” between closely-passing stars? (I mean, without the exchanged planet spending a long time unbound to a solar system, in a sort of larger-scale analogue of close binaries exchanging envelope matter.)
I imagine close encounters are rare in general, but given the large number of binary and multiple-star systems that we seem to see everywhere, and my (admittedly vague) recollections of some rather tight clusters of stars with complicated/chaotic dynamics, it seems like it should be feasible (even common) for stars to exchange planets early (while they’re still part of a young cluster or complex multi-star system, and they interact closely) and then separate taking with them “stolen” planets (my understanding was that a significant fraction of stars in young clusters acquire high velocities and are “evaporated” away from their birth cluster, especially in “tight” clusters). Are the interaction time-frames incompatible with that kind of scenario or something?
Yes, they can happen. But my understanding is that exchange isn’t a likely result of system interaction whereas losing a planet (that is a planet getting sent out of orbit) is much more likely a result than exchange. But this is pushing the limits of my knowledge base in this area.
I find it hard to even take the idea of the Great Filter seriously, given that we don’t have a good definition of what life, let alone intelligent life, is. Generalizing from one example is not very productive.
One doesn’t need much in the way of definitions here to see the problem. The essential problem is that we don’t see anything out there that all shows a sign of intelligence. No major stellar engineering, etc. The fact that intelligent life and life may have fuzzy borders doesn’t enter into that arrangement much. If you want to to really be careful, you can talk about a version of the Filter that applies to life similar to our own. For our purposes, that’s about as worrisome.
You can, but it’s pointless, unless you think that “life similar to our own” has a significant chance of arising independently of ours. The argument “we are here, so it stand to reason that someone like us would evolve elsewhere” is the generalization from one example (and also a failure of imagination) that I am so dubious about. I see no reason to believe that even given a more or less exact replica of the Solar system (or a billion of such replicas scattered around the Galaxy or the Universe) there will arise even a single instance of what we would recognize as intelligence. This may change if we ever find some non-Earth-originated lifeform. (Go, Curiosity!) Until then, the notion of the Great Filter is just some idle chat.
As you should be.
So in a nutshell in the framework of standard discussions about Fermi issues and the Filter one would just say that one heavy filtration step is that intelligent life as we know it seems unlikely to arise.