And all the adults share bodies (generally, one body has two people in it). One’s asleep (insensate, not forming memories about what’s going on, and not in any sort of control over the body) and one’s awake (in control, forming memories, experiencing what’s going on) at any given time.
Calliope/Caliborn share the same body. Each is “asleep” while the other is “awake”, and they have a pair of ankle-shackles of which magically only one can open. They also have disjoint skillsets; due to some kind of brain trauma, Caliborn is incapable of drawing, while Calliope is pretty good: example
Caliborn circumvents this latter restriction by biting off his own leg.
So basically the Cherubs in Homestuck.
I barely got ten pages into Homestuck, so I wouldn’t know.
Calliope/Caliborn share the same body. Each is “asleep” while the other is “awake”, and they have a pair of ankle-shackles of which magically only one can open. They also have disjoint skillsets; due to some kind of brain trauma, Caliborn is incapable of drawing, while Calliope is pretty good: example
Caliborn circumvents this latter restriction by biting off his own leg.