Don’t forget that reported cases of H5N1 are actually just reported cases, and that if you don’t test your cattle, you won’t have anything to report. It would be inconvenient if your cows had it, or any of your workers were sick with it (luckily tests aren’t really available), because there would be a pause and perhaps a loss in your already razor thin margins of operation. The incentive to track and understand aren’t there. So just let it rip through the herd. It doesn’t kill cows anyway...
Don’t forget that reported cases of H5N1 are actually just reported cases, and that if you don’t test your cattle, you won’t have anything to report. It would be inconvenient if your cows had it, or any of your workers were sick with it (luckily tests aren’t really available), because there would be a pause and perhaps a loss in your already razor thin margins of operation. The incentive to track and understand aren’t there. So just let it rip through the herd. It doesn’t kill cows anyway...
You can buy bulk tamiflu powder here: And instructions for preparation are here: $300 for 13 doses, which would last you about 6 days, dosing the recommended twice daily during a pandemic. Shelf life of the powder is 2 years. Would any medicine nerd sanity check that I am not missing something essential?