Something I would really like is for the main site and the “main” button at the top to go to the new posts page, not just the promoted posts. Something only gets promoted every few weeks, and I want to see all the new content, not just the best. I realize that I may be in the minority on this, so I won’t mind if you don’t implement it because you think it would be ill received.
Also, can the green glow around new comments be extended to posts that contain new comments? I can’t always remember how many comments a post had at last glance, and I’d like to see where there are new ones.
Something I would really like is for the main site and the “main” button at the top to go to the new posts page, not just the promoted posts. Something only gets promoted every few weeks, and I want to see all the new content, not just the best. I realize that I may be in the minority on this, so I won’t mind if you don’t implement it because you think it would be ill received.
Also, can the green glow around new comments be extended to posts that contain new comments? I can’t always remember how many comments a post had at last glance, and I’d like to see where there are new ones.
on promoted posts: You’d have to convince Eliezer on that before we’d act. I’d vote against it—I like the curation he provides.
on posts with new comments: We have something planned there, and while not actually locked into our schedule, I’d love to get it out Real Soon Now™.