This has to be the best summary of Eliezer’s metaethics I’ve ever seen. That said while I understand what you’re saying you’re using the tersm “objectivism” and “relativism” differently from how they’re used in the metaethics literature. Eliezer (at least if this summary is accurate) is not a relativist, because the truth of moral judgments is not contingent (except in a modal sense). Moral facts aren’t different for different agents or places. But his theory is subjective because moral facts depend on the attitudes of a group of people (that group is humanity). See here
This has to be the best summary of Eliezer’s metaethics I’ve ever seen. That said while I understand what you’re saying you’re using the tersm “objectivism” and “relativism” differently from how they’re used in the metaethics literature. Eliezer (at least if this summary is accurate) is not a relativist, because the truth of moral judgments is not contingent (except in a modal sense). Moral facts aren’t different for different agents or places. But his theory is subjective because moral facts depend on the attitudes of a group of people (that group is humanity). See here