It seems analogously easier to seek effective internal architectures if you also keep non-epistemic parts of your identity small—not “I am a person who enjoys nature”, nor “I am someone who values mathematics” nor “I am a person who aims to become good at email” but only “I am a person who aims to be effective, whatever that turns out to entail (and who is willing to let much of my identity burn in the process)”.
Willful dissociation from value is the opposite of what I think people need. Particularly here, with all the talk of akrasia.
We need more association with our values, not less. Winning is about achieving your values, not increasing your capability to achieve generic values.
Willful dissociation from value is the opposite of what I think people need. Particularly here, with all the talk of akrasia.
We need more association with our values, not less. Winning is about achieving your values, not increasing your capability to achieve generic values.