Why would I supplant my near self with my far self when my far self cares way less about my happiness?
edit: this is an honest question not an attempt at humor or snark.
It seems to me the far self is more orthogonal to your happiness. You can try to optimize for maximal long term happiness.
This doesn’t seem very feasible to me given both the prediction horizon being short and my preferences changing in ways I would not have predicted. Option value seems like a much better framework for thinking about the future.
Why would I supplant my near self with my far self when my far self cares way less about my happiness?
edit: this is an honest question not an attempt at humor or snark.
It seems to me the far self is more orthogonal to your happiness. You can try to optimize for maximal long term happiness.
This doesn’t seem very feasible to me given both the prediction horizon being short and my preferences changing in ways I would not have predicted. Option value seems like a much better framework for thinking about the future.