The New Republic article appears to be authored by one James Wood; the “Letter to a Christian Nation” section in its header gives the publishing info for a book it spends some time talking about later.
Why there’s a note for Letter and not for, say, The End of Faith or any of the other books on popular atheism the article name-drops, I couldn’t say.
I’m pretty sure it’s because nominally the article is a review of Harris’s Letter to a Christian nation—though, like many book reviews of the more intellectual sort, the book ostensibly being reviewed serves more as an excuse for the author to write about things he wants to write about than as an actual object of review.
The New Republic article appears to be authored by one James Wood; the “Letter to a Christian Nation” section in its header gives the publishing info for a book it spends some time talking about later.
Why there’s a note for Letter and not for, say, The End of Faith or any of the other books on popular atheism the article name-drops, I couldn’t say.
I’m pretty sure it’s because nominally the article is a review of Harris’s Letter to a Christian nation—though, like many book reviews of the more intellectual sort, the book ostensibly being reviewed serves more as an excuse for the author to write about things he wants to write about than as an actual object of review.
Admittedly accurate. I was reading the letter and re-imagined Russell’s teapot thought experiment and thought I would share my source.