One thing I haven’t seen worried about as much is: are children going to suffer from long COVID? After it became clear that children were basically safe from severe COVID, long COVID became my next concern. If I had children, I certainly wouldn’t want them suffering e.g. long-term fatigue… But I don’t recall reading much about this question in your posts.
The average period from diagnosis to evaluation was ~163 days. Of the group, ~42% had a complete recovery. Within the group, 53% of children were reported to have one or more symptom 120 or more days after diagnosis, fitting the diagnosis of Long COVID. Strikingly, 36% of them had one or two symptoms at the time of evaluation, and 23% three or more symptoms.
(I haven’t checked this study’s methodology, or done a broader lit review yet)
One thing I haven’t seen worried about as much is: are children going to suffer from long COVID? After it became clear that children were basically safe from severe COVID, long COVID became my next concern. If I had children, I certainly wouldn’t want them suffering e.g. long-term fatigue… But I don’t recall reading much about this question in your posts.
Without digging into the details right now, a quick Google returns Evidence that long COVID affects children:
(I haven’t checked this study’s methodology, or done a broader lit review yet)