There’s a post on some econoblog somewhere about how suicide bombers could sign up for life insurance a year before they kill themselves so their organizations could take advantage.
It’s amusing enough to blog about despite being altogether unrealistic. The biggest difference you could expect that to make is giving the government a slightly larger pool of assets to seize (after the horse has bolted).
This doesn’t rule out the possibility of splitting your fanatics up into groups who suicide for cash and groups that blow stuff up. If there are enough people fully dedicated to the cause it could be a lucrative source of revenue.
It’s amusing enough to blog about despite being altogether unrealistic. The biggest difference you could expect that to make is giving the government a slightly larger pool of assets to seize (after the horse has bolted).
This doesn’t rule out the possibility of splitting your fanatics up into groups who suicide for cash and groups that blow stuff up. If there are enough people fully dedicated to the cause it could be a lucrative source of revenue.