Kegan has published a lot of evidence about the consistency of measurements his scheme. See “A guide to the subject-object interview : its administration and interpretation” Lisa Lahey [and four others]. As for validity, not so much, but it does build on the widely accepted work of others (Paiget etc), and “The evolving self” has about 8 pages of citations and references including
Kegan, R. 1976. Ego and truth: per-
sonality and the Piagetian paradigm.
Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard Univer-
_ 1977. The sweeter welcome:
Martin Buber, Bernard Malamud and
Saul Bellow. Needham Heights,
Mass.: Wexford.
_ 1978. Child development and
health education. Principal 57 (3):
_ 1979. The evolving self: a
process conception for ego
psychology. Counseling Psychologist 8
(2): 5-34.
_ 1980. There the dance is:
religious dimensions of developmen-
tal theory. In Toward moral and
religious maturity, ed. ]. W. Fowler
and A. Vergote. Morristown, N.J.:
Silver Burdette.
_ 1981. A neo-Piagetian ap-
proach to object relations. In The
self: psychology, psychoanalysis and an-
thropology, ed. B. Lee and G. Noam.
New York: Plenum Press.
I mistrust the motives
rub me the wrong way
I haven’t particularly looked for such evidence
Not very convincing.
My summary of Kegan’s model is here. My suggestion is to try it and see if it works.
Thanks for the pointers. I’m more interested in validity than consistency here, I think.
Not very convincing
I was intending to inform, not to convince. (I agree that no one should be convinced of anything much by my saying that I mistrust some people’s motives.)
Kegan has published a lot of evidence about the consistency of measurements his scheme. See “A guide to the subject-object interview : its administration and interpretation” Lisa Lahey [and four others]. As for validity, not so much, but it does build on the widely accepted work of others (Paiget etc), and “The evolving self” has about 8 pages of citations and references including
Kegan, R. 1976. Ego and truth: per- sonality and the Piagetian paradigm. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard Univer- sity.
_ 1977. The sweeter welcome: Martin Buber, Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow. Needham Heights, Mass.: Wexford.
_ 1978. Child development and health education. Principal 57 (3): 91-95.
_ 1979. The evolving self: a process conception for ego psychology. Counseling Psychologist 8 (2): 5-34.
_ 1980. There the dance is: religious dimensions of developmen- tal theory. In Toward moral and religious maturity, ed. ]. W. Fowler and A. Vergote. Morristown, N.J.: Silver Burdette.
_ 1981. A neo-Piagetian ap- proach to object relations. In The self: psychology, psychoanalysis and an- thropology, ed. B. Lee and G. Noam. New York: Plenum Press.
Not very convincing.
My summary of Kegan’s model is here. My suggestion is to try it and see if it works.
Thanks for the pointers. I’m more interested in validity than consistency here, I think.
I was intending to inform, not to convince. (I agree that no one should be convinced of anything much by my saying that I mistrust some people’s motives.)