An agent could solve this for the optimal action in a number of ways. For example, taking a reinforcement learning perspective, we could discretize the action space into 100 probabilities: 0, 0.01, 0.02...0.98, 0.99, 1.0, and treat it as a multi-armed bandit problem with k=100 independent arms (without any assumptions of smoothness or continuity or structure over 0..1).
Implementation-wise, we can treat the arm as a level in a categorical variable, so instead of writing out Reward ~ Beta_p0 + Beta_p0.01 + ... Beta_p1.0 we can write out Reward ~ P and let the library expand it out into 100 dummy variables. So here’s a simple Thompson sampling MAB in R using MCMCglmm rather than JAGS since it’s shorter:
testdata <- data.frame(P=c(rep(0.00, 10), rep(0.33, 10), rep(0.66, 10), rep(0.9, 10)), Reward=c(runDriver(p=0, iters=10), runDriver(p=(0.33), iters=10), runDriver(p=(0.66), iters=10), runDriver(p=(0.9), iters=10))); testdata
# P Reward
# 1 0.00 1
# 2 0.00 1
# 3 0.00 1
# ...
summary(lm(Reward ~ as.factor(P), data=testdata))
# ...Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 1.0000000 0.3836955 2.60623 0.013232
# as.factor(P)0.33 0.7000000 0.5426274 1.29002 0.205269
# as.factor(P)0.66 -0.5000000 0.5426274 -0.92144 0.362954
# as.factor(P)0.9 -0.6000000 0.5426274 -1.10573 0.276178
m <- MCMCglmm(Reward ~ as.factor(P), data=testdata)
# ...1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
# plus standard error of the mean:
# Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
# (Intercept) 1.0215880 0.4114639 0.01301163 0.01301163
# as.factor(P)0.33 0.6680714 0.5801901 0.01834722 0.01632753
# as.factor(P)0.66 -0.5157360 0.5635405 0.01782072 0.01782072
# as.factor(P)0.9 -0.6056746 0.5736586 0.01814068 0.01884525
# 2. Quantiles for each variable:
# 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
# (Intercept) 0.2440077 0.7633342 1.0259299 1.2851243 1.8066701
# as.factor(P)0.33 -0.4521587 0.2877682 0.6515954 1.0344911 1.8871638
# as.factor(P)0.66 -1.5708577 -0.8923558 -0.5300312 -0.1495413 0.5953416
# as.factor(P)0.9 -1.7544003 -0.9542541 -0.6397946 -0.2389132 0.6077439
# k=100
actions <- seq(0, 1, by=0.01)
# We seed each action with 1 trial, to make sure each action shows up as a level of the categorical variable:
mab <- data.frame(P=actions, Reward=sapply(actions, function(a) { runDriver(p=a, iters=1) }))
# We'll run for 10,000 sequential actions total (or ~100 trials per arm on average)
iters <- 10000
for (i in 1:iters) {
m <- MCMCglmm(Reward ~ as.factor(P), data=mab, verbose=FALSE)
estimates <- data.frame()
for (col in 2:ncol(m$Sol)) {
# take 1 estimate from MCMCglmm's posterior samples for each level of the categorical variable P:
estimates <- rbind(estimates,
data.frame(P=as.numeric(sub("as.factor\\(P\\)", "", names(m$Sol[1,col]))),
# since reward is already defined as utility, our utility function is just the identity:
utilityFunction <- function(estimate) { identity(estimate); }
actionChoice <- estimates[which.max(utilityFunction(estimates$RewardSample)),]$P
result <- runDriver(p=actionChoice, iters=1)
mab <- rbind(mab, data.frame(P=actionChoice, Reward=result))
cat(paste0("I=", i, "; tried at ", actionChoice, ", got reward: ", result, "\n"))
# ...I=9985; tried at 0.23, got reward: 1
# I=9986; tried at 0.45, got reward: 4
# I=9987; tried at 0.43, got reward: 4
# I=9988; tried at 0.39, got reward: 1
# I=9989; tried at 0.39, got reward: 0
# I=9990; tried at 0.53, got reward: 0
# I=9991; tried at 0.44, got reward: 0
# I=9992; tried at 0.84, got reward: 0
# I=9993; tried at 0.32, got reward: 4
# I=9994; tried at 0.16, got reward: 4
# I=9995; tried at 0.09, got reward: 1
# I=9996; tried at 0.15, got reward: 1
# I=9997; tried at 0.02, got reward: 1
# I=9998; tried at 0.28, got reward: 1
# I=9999; tried at 0.35, got reward: 1
# I=10000; tried at 0.35, got reward: 4
## Point-estimates of average reward from each arm:
We can see just from the sheer variability of the actions>0.5 that the MAB was shifting exploration away from them, accepting much larger uncertainty in exchange for focusing on the 0.2-0.4 where the optimal action lies in; it didn’t manage to identify 0.33 as that optimum due to what looks like a few unlucky samples in this run which put 0.33 below, but it was definitely getting there.
How much certainty did we gain about 0.33 being optimal as compared to a naive strategy of just allocating 10000 samples over all arms?
fixed <- data.frame()
for (a in actions) { fixed <- rbind(fixed, data.frame(P=a, Reward=runDriver(p=a, iters=100))); }
## We can see major variability compared to the true curve:
plot(aggregate(Reward ~ P, fixed, mean))
We can ask the posterior probability estimate of 0.33 being optimal by looking at a set of posterior sample estimates for arms 1-100 and seeing in how many sets 0.33 has the highest parameter estimate (=maximum reward); we can then compare the posterior from the MAB with the posterior from the fixed-sample trial:
So the MAB thinks 0.33 is more than twice as likely to be optimal than the fixed trial did, despite some bad luck. It also did so while gaining a much higher reward, roughly equivalent to choosing p=0.25 each time (optimal would’ve been ~1.33, so our MAB’s regret is (1.33-1.20) * 10000 = 1300 vs the fixed’s in-trial regret of 3400 and infinite regret thereafter since it did not find the optimum at all):
While I was at it, I thought I’d give some fancier algorithms a spin using Karpathy’s Reinforce.js RL library (Github). The DQN may be able to do much better since it can potentially observe the similarity of payoffs and infer the underlying function to maximize.
First a JS implementation of the Absent-Minded Driver simulation:
function getRandBinary(p=0.5) { rand = Math.random(); if (rand >= p) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }
function absentMindedDriver(p1, p2) { if(p1==1) { return 0; } else { if (p2==1) { return 4; } else { return 1; } } }
function runDriver(p) { p1 = getRandBinary(p)
p2 = getRandBinary(p)
return absentMindedDriver(p1, p2); }
function runDrivers(p=(1/3), iters=1000) {
var rewards = [];
for (i=0; i < iters; i++) {
return rewards;
Now we can use Reinforce.js to set up and run a deep Q-learning agent (but not too deep since this runs in-browser and there’s no need for hundreds or thousands of neurons for a tiny problem like this):
// load Reinforce.js
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "″;
// set up a DQN RL agent and run
var env = {};
env.getNumStates = function() { return 0; }
env.getMaxNumActions = function() { return 100; } // so actions are 1-100?
// create the DQN agent: relatively small, since this is an easy problem; greedy, since only one step; hold onto all data & process heavily
var spec = { num_hidden_units:25, experience_add_every:1, learning_steps_per_iteration:100, experience_size:10100 }
agent = new RL.DQNAgent(env, spec);
// OK, now let it free-run; we give it an extra 100 actions for equality with the MAB’s initial 100 exploratory pulls
for (i=0; i < 10100; i++) {
s = [] // MAB is one-shot, so no global state
var action = agent.act([]);
//… execute action in environment and get the reward
reward = runDriver(action/100);
console.log(“Action: ” + action + ”; reward: ” + reward);
agent.learn(reward); // the agent improves its Q,policy,model, etc. reward is a float
// …Action: 15; reward: 1
// Action: 34; reward: 0
// Action: 34; reward: 4
// Action: 21; reward: 4
// Action: 15; reward: 1
// Action: 43; reward: 0
// Action: 21; reward: 1
// Action: 43; reward: 1
// Action: 34; reward: 4
// Action: 15; reward: 1
// Action: 78; reward: 0
// Action: 15; reward: 0
// Action: 15; reward: 1
// Action: 34; reward: 1
// Action: 43; reward: 1
// Action: 34; reward: 4
// Action: 24; reward: 1
// Action: 0; reward: 1
// Action: 34; reward: 0
// Action: 3; reward: 1
// Action: 51; reward: 4
// Action: 3; reward: 1
// Action: 11; reward: 4
// Action: 3; reward: 1
// Action: 11; reward: 1
// Action: 43; reward: 4
// Action: 36; reward: 4
// Action: 36; reward: 0
// Action: 21; reward: 4
// Action: 77; reward: 0
// Action: 21; reward: 4
// Action: 26; reward: 4
Overall, I am not too impressed by the DQN. It looks like it is doing worse than the MAB was, despite having a much more flexible model to use. I don’t know if this reflects the better exploration of Thompson sampling compared to the DQN’s epsilon-greedy, or if my fiddling with the hyperparameters failed to help. It’s a small enough problem that a Bayesian NN is probably computationally feasible, but I dunno how to use those.
To return to this a little, here’s an implementation in R:
An agent could solve this for the optimal action in a number of ways. For example, taking a reinforcement learning perspective, we could discretize the action space into 100 probabilities: 0, 0.01, 0.02...0.98, 0.99, 1.0, and treat it as a multi-armed bandit problem with k=100 independent arms (without any assumptions of smoothness or continuity or structure over 0..1).
Implementation-wise, we can treat the arm as a level in a categorical variable, so instead of writing out
Reward ~ Beta_p0 + Beta_p0.01 + ... Beta_p1.0
we can write outReward ~ P
and let the library expand it out into 100 dummy variables. So here’s a simple Thompson sampling MAB in R using MCMCglmm rather than JAGS since it’s shorter:We can see just from the sheer variability of the actions>0.5 that the MAB was shifting exploration away from them, accepting much larger uncertainty in exchange for focusing on the 0.2-0.4 where the optimal action lies in; it didn’t manage to identify 0.33 as that optimum due to what looks like a few unlucky samples in this run which put 0.33 below, but it was definitely getting there. How much certainty did we gain about 0.33 being optimal as compared to a naive strategy of just allocating 10000 samples over all arms?
We can ask the posterior probability estimate of 0.33 being optimal by looking at a set of posterior sample estimates for arms 1-100 and seeing in how many sets 0.33 has the highest parameter estimate (=maximum reward); we can then compare the posterior from the MAB with the posterior from the fixed-sample trial:
So the MAB thinks 0.33 is more than twice as likely to be optimal than the fixed trial did, despite some bad luck. It also did so while gaining a much higher reward, roughly equivalent to choosing p=0.25 each time (optimal would’ve been ~1.33, so our MAB’s regret is
(1.33-1.20) * 10000 = 1300
vs the fixed’s in-trial regret of 3400 and infinite regret thereafter since it did not find the optimum at all):While I was at it, I thought I’d give some fancier algorithms a spin using Karpathy’s
RL library (Github). The DQN may be able to do much better since it can potentially observe the similarity of payoffs and infer the underlying function to maximize.First a JS implementation of the Absent-Minded Driver simulation:
Now we can use Reinforce.js to set up and run a deep Q-learning agent (but not too deep since this runs in-browser and there’s no need for hundreds or thousands of neurons for a tiny problem like this):
Overall, I am not too impressed by the DQN. It looks like it is doing worse than the MAB was, despite having a much more flexible model to use. I don’t know if this reflects the better exploration of Thompson sampling compared to the DQN’s epsilon-greedy, or if my fiddling with the hyperparameters failed to help. It’s a small enough problem that a Bayesian NN is probably computationally feasible, but I dunno how to use those.